Building the Sukkah-Summary of Laws

Checklist The laws of a Kosher Sukkah: Begin building the Sukkah on Motzei Yom Kippur. Complete the entire Sukkah the day after Yom Kippur, after Shacharis. Verify that the area you desire to build the Sukkah does not contain any obstructions which will hover over the Sechach of the Sukkah. […]

From the Rav’s Desk: Harvesting grapes

Question: [Sunday 6th Tishrei 5781] I live in Eretz Yisrael and am scheduled to harvest grapes this week. Is there any Shemita restrictions involved in me doing so?   Answer: No. The grapes which grew before the start of Shemita may be harvested as usual. Explanation: The harvesting regulations during […]