Daly Chumash Noach Sheiyni – The final instructions given days before the flood

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. The final instructions given days before the flood:
  • Hashem instructed Noach to bring himself and his family into the ark seven days before the flood.
  • Animals: Seven pairs of male and female animals and birds of every Kosher species is to enter the Teiva. [Seven male and their wives.] From the impure animals take two of every species, a male and his wife.
  • The flood would last for 40 days and nights.
  • Noach was 600 years old at the time.
  • Noach did as he was instructed. He and his family, Noach and his wife, Sheim and Cham and Yefes and their three wives, entered the Teiva. The animal pairs entered the Teiva.


  1. The flood:
  • After the passing of seven days, on the 17th of the 2nd month [Marcheshvan] the torrential rain began, and the depths of the earth began to shoot forth water. The rain lasted 40 days and nights.

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