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One who cut his nails on Erev Yom Tov [or in close proximity to Erev Yom Tov to the point there was nothing to cut before Yom Tov] is permitted to cut his nails  on Erev Shabbos Chol Hamoed.

Cutting nails on Chol Hamoed and on Erev Shabbos Chol Hamoed

If you sold all your Chametz to the gentile, or did Bittul Chametz after the Bedika, then if the cheerio is visibly dirty, which I assume it is, then you may leave it be under the bed. If it is clean, then you should flush it down the toilet, making sure not to touch it with your hand [i.e. use broom and dustbin]. If you did Mechiras Chametz, you can dispose it in the area sold to the Goy.

See Admur 442:28

No. It is forbidden to read the words out loud together with the Baal Korei. Hence, those who are accustomed to say different words and phrases aloud with the Baal Korei, such as the word Ka’eileh by the reading of the Maftir of Pesach, are to be protested.

See Michaber 141:2; Gra in Maaseh Rav 131


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