The purpose of Pesukei Dezimra-To tear the concealments of evil:[1]
Within the prayer, we fulfill the divine services of both Ratzo and Shuv, with the blessings of Shema and the Shema representing the passion of Ratzo, and Shemoneh Esrei representing the return of Shuv. What then does Pesukei Dezimra represents and what is coming to accomplish? The answer is that Pesukei Dezimra accomplishes something very fundamental and necessary to facilitate the future divine services of Ratzo and Shuv in the coming parts of the prayer. In Pesukei Dezimra we sing the praise of G-d as it states, “And he elevates G-d in his throat.” Now, through singing this praise we accomplish the tearing of all the curtains of concealment that hide and darken the revelation of G-dliness from our souls. The singing of praise is comparable to one holding a double edge sword which he uses to whip at the curtain of concealment, until the curtain is torn down, and allows the light to shine through.
[1] Torah Or p. 1d
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