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Putting on Tallis in middle of Davening:
What is one to do if his Tallis arrived in middle of Davening, or if he forgot to put on the Tallis and remembered in middle of Davening? May he wear the Tefillin and may a blesisng be recited? The same question applies to one whose Tallis fell off in middle of Davening and now desires to re-wear his Tallis, may he do so and may a new blessing be said [See Chapter 2 Halacha 15C]? Practically, this depends on the area of Davening that he is currently holding.
Pesukei Dezimra: [1]One who did not have a Tallis [Gadol/Katan] [or forgot to put on a Tallis[2]] until he reached Yishtabach, is not to recite a blessing over the Tallis [Gadol/Katan] between Pesukei Dezimra [i.e. Az Yashir] and Yishtabach.[3] It goes without saying that he may not say a blessing over the Tallis in middle of Pesukei Dezimra [even Bein Haperakim, and certainly not in middle of a Perek[4]].[5] However one may recite a blessing over the Tallis between Yishtabach and Yotzer.[6] [Thus, in the event that Tallis arrived in middle of Pesukei Dezimra, one is to place it on without a blessing, and between Yishtabach and Yotzer is to then shake the Tzitzis and recite a blessing.[7]]
Birchas Shema and Shema:[8] If one remembered to put on a Tallis[9] or received a Tallis[10], after Yotzer but before completing the blessing of Goal Yisrael, he may place the Tallis on without a blessing and after Shemoneh Esrei he is to shake the Tzitzis and recite a blessing.[11] This applies whether he is in middle of a Perek or is in between the Perakim; in either case he may put on the Tallis, but may not say a blessing. This applies even if one is in the middle of one of the Parshiyos of Shema; with exception to if one is in the middle of the first paragraph of Shema, in which case he may not even wear the Tallis without a blessing.[12]
Geula and Tefillah:[13] If one is already between Geula and Tefillah, having already completed the blessing of Goal Yisrael, he may not put on the Tallis even without a blessing.[14]
What is a Chazan to do if his Tallis Gadol/Katan arrived in middle of Davening?[15] A Chazan that did not have a Tallis [Gadol] until he reached Yishtabach, is to wear the Tallis and recite a blessing over it [Gadol/Katan] between Pesukei Dezimra and Yishtabach, prior to saying Yishtabach.[16]
[1] 53/3
[2] Piskeiy Teshuvos 53 footnote 14; See Admur 66/3; Michaber 66/2
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that in the event that one had Tefillin beforehand and simply forgot to wear them, them, it is forbidden to put them on during Pesukei Dezimra, or even between Yishtabach and Barchu, even without a blessing. [M”B 53/7]
[3] Admur ibid; Michaber 53/3
[4] Ketzos Hashulchan 18 footnote 23 based on the wording in Admur here “As it is forbidden to make an interval between Baruch Sheamar and Yishtabach.”
[5] Admur ibid; Chayeh Adam 20/3; Gloss of Rav Akiva Eiger ibid; Kitzur SHU”A 14/8; Kaf Hachaim 53/7
The reason: As it is forbidden to make an interval between Baruch Sheamar and Yishtabach even if it is for the sake of a Mitzvah, as explained in 51/4. [ibid]
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one may put on the Tallis with a blessing even in middle of the Perek, and certainly between the Perakim in Pesukei Dezimra. [Birkeiy Yosef 53/4; Magen Giborim based on Teshuvas Harambam 147; M”B 53/6; Yabia Omer 9/82] However, even according to them one may not do so between Az Yashir and Yishtabach. [Michaber ibid]
[6] Admur ibid; Michaber ibid
The reason: As it is permitted to make an interval in that area for the sake of a Mitzvah, as explained in 54/3 [ibid]
[7] Chayeh Adam 20, brought in Ketzos Hashulchan 18 footnote 23; Birchas Habayis 33/5; Hefsek Betefila 5/2-5 [p. 86]; See Admur 66/3
[8] 66/3 and 11; Rama 66/2; Rabbeinu Yonah Brachos 15a; Rosh Brachos 2/10
Other opinions brought in Admur: Some Poskim [Michaber 66/2; Shivlei Haleket 15] rule one may wear the Tallis with a blessing between the Perakim. Other Poskim [Rabbeinu Yonah Brachos 15a; Rosh Brachos 2/10] however rule that only Tefillin may be worn with a blessing between the Perakim, however Tzitzis may not be worn with a blessing, for the reason explained below. Practically, one is to follow the latter opinion. [Admur 66/3; Rama ibid]
Other Poskim: Some Poskim rule one is to wear the Tallis with a blessing. [Michaber 66/2; Shivlei Haleket 15]
[9] 66/3
[10] 66/11
[11] The reason one may not recite a blessing: Although by Tefillin a blessing may be recited, this is because Tefillin is an obligation to wear for Shema and Shemoneh Esrei in order to accept the complete yoke of Heaven. However Tzitzis is not an obligation of the body, as if one is not wearing a Tallis he is not obligated in Tzitzis, and he can read Shema without it being false testimony, being he is not wearing a Tallis that is obligated in Tzitzis. Therefore, it is forbidden for him to make an interval with its blessing even between the Perakim of Shema and its Brachos, and rather he is to wear it without a blessing. [Admur 66/3]
[12] The reason: As in the middle of the Parshiyos of Shema it is permitted to stop even to do Melacha, with exception to the first paragraph, as explained in 63/8. [ibid]
[13] 66/11
[14] The reason: As even putting the Tallis without a blessing is considered an interval during Shemoneh Esrei, as explained in 97/4, and the same applies between Geula and Tefila, being that the Tallis does not have such a need for the Tefila. The reason why Tefillin is allowed to be placed even between Geula and Tefila is because Tefillin is an obligation to wear during Davening in order to accept the complete yoke of heaven. However Tzitzis is not an obligation of the body to wear unless one is wearing a Tallis that is obligated in Tzitzis. [ibid]
[15] 53/3; Rama 53/3
[16] The reason: One cannot make the Chazan delay the blessing until after Yishtabach, as he needs to recite the Kaddish immediately after Yishtabach and cannot make an interval in between. [ibid]
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