Doing Melacha for a gentile or animal:[1]
All the Melachos of Ochel Nefesh were only permitted to be performed for the need of the eating of a Jew. It is however [Biblically] forbidden to perform Melacha of Ochel Nefesh for the sake of feeding a gentile or animal.[2] This applies even to animals that are dependent on oneself for their food, such as pets.[3] It is forbidden to perform to perform even Rabbinical Melacha on their behalf, such as to carry their food from a Reshus Hayachid to a Karmalis.[4]
May one perform Meleches Ochel Nefesh on behalf of a non-religious Jew? A Jew who is a Mumar or desecrates Shabbos in public has the status of a gentile with regards to all matters.[5] It is thus forbidden to perform Meleches Ochel Nefesh on behalf of such Jews on Yom Tov.[6] [See Halacha ?? regarding non-religious guests!] Some Poskim[7] however rule it is permitted to perform Melaches Ochel Nefesh on behalf of any Jew. This especially applies if the Jew is a Tinok Shenishba.[8] Karaits:[9] Some Poskim[10] rule it is forbidden to perform Melached Ochel Nefesh on behalf of a Karait. Other Poskim[11] rule it is permitted to perform Melacha for a Karait.
[1] Admur 512/11; Michaber 512/1 [gentile] and 3 [dogs] regarding cooking; Michaber 518/2 regarding carrying; Beitza 21a-b regarding cooking for gentile; Rebbe Yossi Hagelili Beitza ibid regarding cooking for dogs; Chayeh Adam 21/1 and Kaf Hachaim 512/2 that this applies to all Melacha; Levush and Tur that this applies to all animals; See Yom Tov Kehilchaso 5;
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it is permitted to perform Meleches Ochel Nefesh for the sake of animals. [Rebbe Akiva Beitza ibid; Ravaya; Razah; Raavad in Tamim Deim; See Bach 512]
[2] The reason: As the verse states “Hu Levado Yeiaseh Lachem” from which we learn that the Melacha may only be done for you and not for gentiles, for you and not for animals. [Admur ibid; Taz 512/1; Beitza ibid]
[3] Admur 512/3 and 7; Olas Shabbos 512/4; Elya Raba 512/10; M”B 512/16; Kaf Hachaim 512/32
[4] Admur 512/7
[5] Admur O.C. 39/1 “He is like a gentile for all matters”; Michaber Yoreh Deah 2/5 “He is like a gentile”; Admur Y.D. 2/10 “He is a like a gentile regarding Shechita and for the entire Torah, except for Kiddushin”; Rashba 7/53; Tiferes Lemoshe 113/9 [brought in Pischeiy teshuvah 113/1] regarding Bishul Akum [however not Pas Akum]; Erech Hashulchan 112/2; Kaf Hachaim 112/11; Ketzos Hashulchan 101/5 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 72: “Anyone who publicly desecrates Shabbos is considered like an idle worshiper and [thus] if he touches wine he forbids it, and the bread which he bakes is like Pas Akum, as well as the food which he cooks is like Bishul Akum.”
[6] Mabit 1/38 in name of Rabbeinu Shimshon; P”M 512 A”A 1 and M”Z 1; M”B 512/2; Kaf Hachaim 512/4
[7] Yearos Devash end of volume 1
[8] Maharam Shick 281 that so is opinion of Maharashach brought in M”A 512/1 regarding the Karaim; See P”M ibid
[9] See M”A 512/1; M”B 512/2; Kaf Hachaim 512/3
[10] Reb Betzalel 63 in name of Radbaz; 1st opinion in M”A 512/1, Kneses Hagedola 512, Elya Raba 512/1, M”B 512/2
[11] Maharshach 3/15; 2nd opinion in M”A 512/1, Kneses Hagedola 512, Elya Raba 512/1, P”M 512 A”A 1, M”B 512/2
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