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4. A bow knot and a single knot:[1]
A bow made on top of a single knot:[2] The above only refers to [a double knot made of] two knots one of top of the other, however by one knot and a bow on top of it there is no doubt at all [that it is not considered] a professional knot and it is thus allowed to tie and untie in any case that it is not designated to last at all[3]. [See Q&A]
May one make a bow on top of a bow?[4] Yes, it may be done even with intent to never undo.
Making a single knot: A single knot without a bow on top of it, is not considered a knot at all and is allowed to be tied and untied even if made to last forever.[5] [See Q&A] [However] all this refers to tying two things together, however if one makes a knot using the single end of a rope or thread or string then it has the same law as a double knot for all matters.[6]
May one make a single bow to last forever?[7] Yes.
What is the law of a slip knot? This matter requires further analysis.
[1] Admur 317:3
[2] Admur ibid; Rama 317:5; Iggur 465; Shiltei Giborim 41b
[3] Meaning to undo that same day, So rules Shiltei Giborim ibid; Taz 317:7; M”A 317:15; Mishneh Berurah 317:29.
[4] Admur 651:6; Mishneh Berurah 317:29
[5] Admur ibid; M”A 317:20; Hagahos Maimanis 10:10; Yireim 274
[6] Admur ibid; Rama 317:1; Semag
[7] Michaber 317:5; Ruled in Ketzos Hashulchan 123:4. In footnote 11 he leaves it with a Tzaruch Iyun why the Alter Rebbe did not mention this here.
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