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3. The definition of an “irregularity”:[1]
The Sages permitted for one to knead a Rabbinical kneading mixture if one uses certain irregularities in the kneading process. One may thus knead all materials into a thin batter, using these irregularities. Likewise, in a time of need one may even make a thick batter of un-kneadable materials, using these irregularities. The following law will discuss the details of these irregularities, and which one’s are valid, and how many of them are required to permit kneading a Rabbinical mixture on Shabbos:
There are four different irregularities mentioned in the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch:
- Kneading a little at a time.
- Switching order of the foods.
- Mixing with a finger or the back of a spoon or fork.
- Making vertical and horizontal strokes with a spoon.
A. Mixing a little at a time:
Kneading a very small amount at a time is defined as a valid form of irregularity.[2] It is a valid irregularity both for thick batters [which is permitted with un-kneadable materials in a time of need] and thin batters.[3] One who uses this form of irregularity is not required to perform any of the other forms of irregularities mentioned below.[4]
Q&A What is the definition of a little at a time?[5] One is to make a smaller amount than usual[6], and it is to be made to eat right away.[7] Some[8] write one may make as much as one desires for the need of that meal. Practically, it is best to only make a small amount to enter right away into one’s mouth[9], or alternatively to make a recognizably smaller amount than usual to be eaten right away.[10] |
B. Changing the order of how the food and liquid are usually placed in:[11]
Changing the order of how the food is normally kneeded is considered a valid form of irregularity for the mixing of thin batters [and thick batters of unkneadable materials in a time of need[12]]. [This irregularity is referred to as “Mi Techila”.[13] It however does not suffice to perform this irregularity alone, and in addition, one must also perform one of the irregularities to be enumerated in C.[14] The above requirement of irregularities only applies when making a lot of kneaded food simultaneously, one however who does only a very small amount at a time is not required to perform any of these irregularities, as explained in A.[15]]
How does one do a change of order:[16] [This depends on how the mixture is normally made in one’s area]. If in one’s areas during the week the custom is that the vinegar is placed first [and then the flour is placed], then [on Shabbos] one first places the flour [in the bowl] and afterwards places the vinegar. In a place that they are accustomed that the flour be placed first [and then the vinegar], on Shabbos one first places the vinegar in [and then the flour]. [See Q&A]
Q&A What does one do if he does not know the order of which a certain mixture is mixed? Some Poskim[17] rule if one does not know what the custom is he is to first place in the food and then the liquid. Other Poskim[18] however rule if one does not know the custom then he is not allowed to knead the mixture. If one desires to squeeze lemon juice onto avocado dip, may he first place in the food and then squeeze the lemon? Some[19] write it is permitted to do so. Others[20] write that doing so is forbidden. |
C. Changing the form of mixing:
Mixing the food in an irregular manner is defined as an irregularity for the mixing of thin batters [and thick batters of un-kneadable materials in a time of need[21]].[22] It however does not suffice to perform this irregularity alone, and in addition, one must also perform the irregularity explained in B of “Mi Techila”, changing the order of how the liquid is placed in the vessel.[23]
Mixing slowly:[24] Mixing the mixture in a slower pace than usual does not suffice as a valid irregularity, and rather one must use one of the irregularities enumerated below.
Using a finger:[25] Mixing with the finger is a valid method of irregularity.
Shesi Vaereiv:[26] Mixing in a form of Shesi Vaeirev is a valid method of irregularity. [This means that one is to make alternative strokes vertical and horizontal as opposed to in circular motion.] One may use even a regular vessel when doing this method.[27] It is permitted to make as many strokes as one desires in this method, [moving the vessel many times vertically and then many times horizontally] until it mixes well.[28] [He is to remove the spoon between changing directions from horizontal to vertical or vice versa.[29] From the letter of the law however removing the spoon between each stroke is unnecessary so long as he is careful not to make a circular motion with the spoon.[30]]
Mixing the vessel:[31] Shaking the vessel which contains the mixture until the mixture is kneaded is defined as a valid method of irregularity.
Pouring from one vessel to another:[32] Pouring the mixture from one vessel to another until it mixes well[33] is defined as a valid method of irregularity.
Summary-The definition of an irregularity: Although it is permitted to knead a thin batter one is required to make two changes[34] from the normal way one kneads during the week. These are: A. Changing the order of ingredients. If in ones areas during the week the custom is that the liquid is placed first and then the food is placed, on Shabbos one first places the food and afterwards places the liquid. If the custom is vice versa, on Shabbos one first places in the liquid and then the food[35]. B. Changing the mixing method: In addition to the above, one may not blend the mixture with a spoon. One is rather to do so with his hands or through shaking the vessel [or through pouring the food from one vessel to another] until it mixes in.
Q&A May one use an irregular vessel to mix the ingredients?[36]
It is allowed to use an irregular item, such as a knife to mix the ingredients, although one may not mix the ingredients in a fast pace. Likewise, one may use a common vessel in an irregular way, such as the back of a spoon or fork.
If one is unable to mix the mixture together using his fingers or bowl may he use a spoon?[37] Yes. Although he is to do so by making alternative strokes vertical and horizontal as opposed to in circular motion.[38] Likewise, he is to remove the spoon between each stroke.[39] From the letter of the law however removing the spoon between each stroke is unnecessary so long as he is careful not to make a circular motion with the spoon.[40] May one mix a baby’s bottle by shaking it?[41] No. May one blend the mixture quickly when using his hands to mix? Tzaruch Iyun.[42]
[1] Admur 321:16; 324:3; 473:34; Michaber 321:14-16; 324:3; Shabbos 156a; See Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 9 and Shabbos Kehalacha 22:14 for a summary and explanation behind the different forms of irregularities.
[2] Admur 321:16 and 324:3 and Michaber 321:14 and Shabbos ibid regarding a thick batter of roasted flour;
[3] Derisha 321:3; Tehila Ledavid 321:22 and 25; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:19
[4] Derisha 321:3; Tehila Ledavid 321:22 and 25; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:19
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that in addition to this irregularity, one must also do the irregularity of changing the form of mixing. [Aruch Hashulchan 321:20; See Biur Halacha “Shema”]
To note however that this form of change was only required if one were to make a lot at a time. If, however, one were to make a little at a time, then that itself [the fact that he is only making a little at a time] is considered an irregularity. [See Halacha 2A above, as well as 324:3 in the first opinion] Vetzaruch Iyun why this option of making a little at a time was not mentioned in the second opinion [neither here nor in 324:3] as well as with regards to Charoses [brought below Halacha 5]. As well Tzaruch Iyun why this option of irregularity was not mentioned either by the Ketzos Hashulchan or SSH”K. Seemingly this option does not hold true in accordance to the second opinion as it only helps when making an item into a thick batter, which is always forbidden according to the second opinion, Vetzaruch Iyun. See Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash for a summary of the different forms of irregularities.
[5] Shabbos Kehalacha 22:23; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:20 footnote 224
[6] Implication of Admur 324:3 which defines “Meat Meat” as a Shinuiy, and hence if he makes the same amount as normally done, how would this be a Shinuiy; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid; Shabbos Kehalacha ibid; Orchos Shabbos 6 p. 234; See M”B 321:54 that the Poskim did not define the Shiur of “Meat Meat” and that even if it has a Shiur of Grogeres; See Biur Halacha 321 “Shema”
[7] Biur Halacha “Shema”; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid; Shabbos Kehalacha ibid
[8] Tehila Ledavid 321:25
[9] Shabbos Kehalacha ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid
[10] Shabbos Kehalacha ibid
[11] Admur 321:16; Michaber 321:14; Shabbos ibid
Roasted flour: Some Poskim rule that the irregularity of Mi Techila is invalid for roasted flour, even when making it onto a thin mixture, and the only allowance is to do so in a form of little by little. [Rambam brought in Tehila Ledavid 321:24]
[12] Regarding the type of irregularity required, Admur brings in the first opinion that when one makes the thick batter of un-kneadable material a little at a time it is considered an irregularity. Later when he mentions kneading a thin batter he mentions the changes of the order of which food to enter, and changing in the mixing method. Vetzaruch Iyun regarding the difference of these two forms of irregularities and as in truth which irregularity should be used when being lenient to make a thick batter. In SSH”K 8:11 they mention doing the later irregularity which is ruled to do for a thin batter. See Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash for a summary of the different forms of irregularities.
[13] Tehila Ledavid 321:19; Shabbos Kehalacha 22 Biurim 7
[14] Admur 473:34 regarding making Charoses; Rama 321:16; M”A 321:24; Taz 321:12; Terumos Hadeshen 53 brought in Beis Yosef 321; Or Zarua, brought in Biur Halacha “Veyeish Omrim”; Mordechai, brought in Beis Yosef; M”B 321:57 and 68; Ketzos Hashulchan 130:3 and footnote 9; Kaf Hachaim 321:111; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:14-Biurim 7; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21; Toras Hamelachos Lash 16
The reason: As one is required to perform a Shinuiy according to the Lisha definition of both Rebbe Yehuda and Rebbe Yossi, in both the placing of the liquid and the actual kneading. [Terumos Hadeshen ibid; See Iglei Tal Lash 30:14] Alternatively, the reason is because it is forbidden to mix the mixture very forcefully, and hence one requires an irregularity in the actual mixing so he not come to mix it strongly. [Or Zarua as explained in Chazon Ish ibid] Alternatively, the reason is because it is not considered such an irregularity to simply place the foods in the opposite order. [Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 9]
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it suffices to use the irregularity of Mi Techila, and one is not required to also change the way of mixing. [Derisha; Chazon Ish 58:5, See Shabbos Kehalacha ibid in Biurim; To note that Admur in 321:16 only mentions this Shinuiy and makes no mention of making a Shinuiy in the mixing, however in 473:34 he mentions both Shinuyim]
Shesisa and Matzah flour: Some Poskim write that Shesisa, and Matzah flour, this irregularity alone suffices. [Michaber ibid; Iglei Tal ibid; Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 9; Shabbos Kehalacha ibid]
[15] This form of change was only required if one were to make a lot at a time. If, however, one were to make a little at a time, then that itself [the fact that he is only making a little at a time] is considered an irregularity. [See Halacha A above]
[16] 321:16; Rama 321:16
[17] Terumos Hadeshen 53; Chok Yaakov 473:26; Elya Raba 321:20; Tosefes Shabbos 321:30; P”M 321 M”Z 12; Mishneh Berurah 321:57; Ketzos Hashulchan 130:2; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:14 footnote 42; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21; See Iglei Tal 30:15
[18] Taz 321:11; Aruch Hashulchan 321:20; Chazon Ish 58:1; Igros Moshe 4:74; See Iglei Tal Lash 30:15 and Bris Olam Lash; See Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid footnote 234 that when making a thin batter one may be lenient even according to the Chazon Ish in this case, as it suffices to make the irregularity of the form of mixing.
[19] SSH”K 8:17; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321 footnote 233
[20] Ketzos Hashulchan 130 footnote 19
[21] Michaber 324:3 and Admur 324:3 mentions this irregularity regarding Morsan; Menorah Hatehorah 321:34; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:20 footnote 226; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:24
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that in addition to this irregularity, one must also do the irregularity of “little by little” when mixing thick batters. [Aruch Hashulchan 321:20; See Biur Halacha “Shema”]
[22] Admur 324:3; Michaber and Rama 316:15-16; 324:3; Shabbos ibid
[23] Admur 473:34 regarding making Charoses; Rama 321:16; M”A 321:24; Taz 321:12; Terumos Hadeshen 53 brought in Beis Yosef 321; Or Zarua, brought in Biur Halacha “Veyeish Omrim”; Mordechai, brought in Beis Yosef; M”B 321:57 and 68; Ketzos Hashulchan 130:3 and footnote 9; Kaf Hachaim 321:111; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:14-Biurim 7; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21; Toras Hamelachos Lash 16
The reason: As one is required to perform a Shinuiy according to the Lisha definition of both Rebbe Yehuda and Rebbe Yossi, in both the placing of the liquid and the actual kneading. [Terumos Hadeshen ibid; See Iglei Tal Lash 30:14] Alternatively, the reason is because it is forbidden to mix the mixture very forcefully, and hence one requires an irregularity in the actual mixing so he not come to mix it strongly. [Or Zarua as explained in Chazon Ish ibid] Alternatively, the reason is because it is not considered such an irregularity to simply place the foods in the opposite order. [Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 9]
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it suffices to use the irregularity of Mi Techila, and one is not required to also change the way of mixing. [Derisha; Chazon Ish 58:5, See Shabbos Kehalacha ibid in Biurim; To note that Admur in 321:16 only mentions this Shinuiy and makes no mention of making a Shinuiy in the mixing, however in 473:34 he mentions both Shinuyim]
Shesisa and Matzah flour: Some Poskim write that Shesisa, and Matzah flour do not require this irregularity and the irregularity of Mi Techila suffices. [Michaber 321:14 based on Rishonim; Iglei Tal ibid; Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 9; Shabbos Kehalacha ibid]
[24] Rama 321:16; Or Zarua; Mordechai; M”B 321:62-64; Implication of Admur 473:34; Ketzos Hashulchan 130 footnote 13; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:15; Regarding why Admur 321:16 writes that a spoon may be used by the case of mustard, see next Halacha and the footnote there!
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule it suffices to mix the items slower than usual. [Michaber 321:15-16; See M”B 321:58 and Biur Halacha “Yachol”; See Shabbos Kehalacha ibid footnote 46; Vetzaruch Iyun on Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21 who rules like the Michaber when the Rama clearly argues]
[25] Admur 473:34; Rama 321:16; Or Zarua; Mordechai
[26] Admur 324:3 and Michaber 324:3 regarding Morson; Shabbos ibid; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21 and Shabbos Kehalacha 22:18 footnote 56 that this irregularity is valid regarding all mixtures
[27] The reason: This is considered an irregularity since he is not mixing it with his hands and is not circling the spoon or wooden stick in its usual form as done during the week, but rather is mixing it by pushing it horizontally and vertically; therefore, this is considered a complete irregularity. [Admur ibid]
[28] Admur ibid; Beis Yosef 324 in name of Rif and Rambam; Bach
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule one may not make more than one stroke in this method. [Rashi Shabbos ibid; Tur; See however Peulas Tzaddik 3:160 and Shabbos Kehalacha 22 footnote 58 that this means that one is not to move the vessel more than one stroke at a time, meaning one-time Shesi and one-time Arev, however one may repeat the Shesi and Arev many times.]
[29] Chazon Ish 58:6; Shevet Halevi 6:86-6; Shabbos Kehalacha 7:61; 22:18; Bris Olam; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21
The reason: The reason for this requirement is so one not come to make a circular motion accidently when mixing.
[30] Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 10; See Shabbos Kehalacha ibid footnote 57
[31] Admur 324:3; 473:34; Shabbos ibid; Taz 321:12; Terumos Hadeshen 53; M”B 321:57 and 63; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:17; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid
[32] Admur 324:3; Michaber 324:3; Rambam 21:34; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:17; Piskeiy Teshuvos ibid
[33] Admur ibid; See Igros Moshe ibid; Shabbos Kehalacha ibid footnote 53
[34] Admur 473:34; Rama 321:16
Other Opinions: Chazon Ish 58:5 rules by a thin batter one is only required to make one change from the way it is done during the week, such as to place the ingredients in differently, although he may mix it normally with a spoon.
[35] Above Halacha 16
[36] Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 11; Minchas Yitzchak 1:74; Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:21; See Shabbos Kehalacha 22 Biurim 10 that this irregularity only helps in certain cases.
Ruling of Taz: The Taz 321:11 rules it does not help to mix using a knife. Perhaps however this refers to a case in which using a knife is the regular method. See Poskim ibid
[37] SSH”K 8:9 based on ruling in 324:3: One may knead even a lot at a time although taking care to not mix it with ones hands after placing the water in it as is the usual way that one mixes it during the week. Rather one is to mix it with a large serving spoon or a stick which contains a horizontal piece of wood on it, even many times until it mixes well. This is considered an irregularity since he is not mixing it with his hands and is not circling the spoon or wooden stick in its usual form as done during the week, but rather is mixing it by pushing it horizontally and vertically; therefore this is considered a complete irregularity.
[38] Seemingly Rav Farkash learns that this may be done even initially, as he rules regarding kneading egg salad with oil that it may be mixed in this method. There he mentions it is proper to remove the spoon in between each stroke. [Shabbos Kehalacha 7:61] Nevertheless in Piskeiy Teshuvos 321:9 he learns this method is only to be done in a time of need.
[39] Shabbos Kehalacha 7:61 and so questions Chazon Ish and so rules Bris Olam. The reason for this requirement is so one not come to make a circular motion accidently when mixing.
[40] Igros Moshe 4:74 Lash 10
[41] Piskeiy Teshuvos 321 footnote 239; Shabbos Kehalacha 22:39
[42] On the one hand Admur writes in Halacha 5 below that when adding liquid to the mustard one may only mix in slowly. However regarding Charoses he does not make mention of this. On the one hand one can explain that by Charoses he relied on what he already explained in this chapter, although this is difficult to accept being that he does make mention of the other forms of irregularity so why would he omit this one. As well the end of the case regarding mustard is discussing using a spoon to mix, and perhaps the ending of “not to mix quickly” is going on when a spoon is used. As well it seems unlikely that 3 irregularities would be required. It is also implied from all Poskim which mention using the finger and do not limit this to being done slowly, that it is allowed. On the other hand, from Chazon Ish 58:5 it is implied that one may not mix it quickly even when using an irregular vessel, and so implies Shabbos Kehalacha 22:15.
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