Yes. After the conclusion of Shloshim, starting from the morning of the 30th day, the mourner may bathe and shower without restriction, and hence there is no restriction against using a Jacuzzi or spa. This allowance applies even for purposes of pleasure, and is unlike the restriction against different forms of entertainment which mainly applies being that it is done together with friends
See Rama 381:1 who only extends the custom for Shloshim
Iyh I am doing a Bris for my son on Shabbos. What do I do about nonreligious relatives driving to the Bris?
The Bris of course is not to be pushed off or delayed due to this. Practically, you have two options: 1) Invite them to stay for the entire Shabbos which gives them the option to not desecrate Shabbos. If in the end they decide to drive it is not your issue. 2) Have the after-circumcision meal take after Shabbos and invite them for that meal, while the Bris itself will take place close to sunset of Shabbos day.
Sources: See Minchas Yitzchak 3:35; Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah 1:156; Minchas Shlomo 2:4-10; Ratz Katzevi 8:28; Hiskashrus 929:15; Piskeiy Teshuvos 331:2 footnote 9; Pesakim Uteshuvos Y.D. 266:14
Gentile:[1] A Gentile may not circumcise a Jew even if the Gentile is circumcised. Nonetheless, if a Gentile performs the circumcision then some Poskim[2] rule that it is not necessary to repeat it a second time. However, other Poskim[3] rule that it is necessary to go back and perform Hatafas Dam Bris and so is the main opinion.
Mumar; Non-religious doctor:[4] A heretic has the same status as a Gentile regarding performing a circumcision, [and hence it is forbidden for him to circumcise, and if he does so than Hatafas Dam Bris to be performed according to some opinions[5]].
[1] See Pesakim Uteshuvos 264:2
[2] Michaber ibid
[3] Rama ibid
[4] Rama ibid; See Pesakim Uteshuvos 264:3 regarding heretic doctors
[5] See Pesakim Uteshuvos ibid footnotes 13-15
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