Folding the Beard – Halacha & Minhag

* This article is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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May one fold his beard if it is long?[1]

Letter of the law: From the letter of the law there is no prohibition against folding the beard.

Chassidic and Kabalistic perspective: Nevertheless, from a Chassidic perspective, it is improper to fold the beard, even if it is very long and makes one look disorderly in his eyes. Even if this leads to one’s ridicule by others one should not pay attention to their ridicule. One is to leave the beard to grow in its natural G-d given state.[2] The length of a beard is a G-d given gift, as it represents the abundance of Divine revelation that the person receives from the level of Dikna, and hence the longer the beard the more of a blessing it is from G-d. Therefore, those who fold the beard, even though they care careful not to cut it, are denying G-d’s gift and are hence doing something improper.[3] Leaving the beard in its natural state despite the ridicule, brings a person the revelation of the inner part of his soul. Folding the beard due to so called holy intentions [of being of acceptable appearance to others] is an act of self denial and opposes G-dliness.[4]


[1] Torah Leshma [of Ben Ish Chaiy] 447; Rebbe Rashab in Toras Shalom p. 94 [Hebrew], mentioned in talk of Rebbe; Hadarta Panim Zakein pp. 302; 522

Opinion of Rebbe: Regarding the Rebbe’s opinion on this subject, Rabbi Groner related in a correspondence that he never heard any directive from the Rebbe on this subject. To note however that the Rebbe did mention this custom in a Sicha saying while it’s not forbidden from the letter of the law, nevertheless it’s not encouraged as stated the Rebbe Rashab. Regarding the Rebbe’s own personal custom over the years, it is improper to investigate and not relevant to learn from, as the Rebbe may have had specific reasons relevant to him.

[2] Rebbe Rashab ibid

[3] Ben Ish Chaiy ibid

[4] Rebbe Rashab ibid

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