Daily Tanya Monday 20th Teves: Chapter 13 Part 3 – The love of a Beinoni has many levels of truth despite being considered false for the Tzadik

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. The love of a Beinoni has many levels of truth despite being considered false for the Tzadik:
  • Not a true love for Tzadikim: This level of love which is experienced by the Beinoni during prayer through the intensified energy of the G-dly soul over the animal soul, is not considered a true service [of love] at all in comparison to the level of the Tzadikim who serve G-d with the ultimate of truth.
  • Truth lasts forever: The reason for this is because this love dissipates once the Beinoni finishes his prayers, and regarding truth the verse states that “truth lasts forever while falsehood is temporary.”
  • A true love for the Beinoni: Nonetheless, this love is considered a true and complete love for the level of the Beinoni, as this is the ultimate level of truth that they can reach in their love for G-d.
  • Many levels of Beinonim: The level of true love within the Beinoni is commensurate to each person’s level, as there exists many levels [of potential love] within the Beinoni and hence when the Beinoni reaches the maximum potential intensity of love that he is capable of, then it is considered that he has maximized his true level of love.
  • Is considered a love of truth being that it can always be re-aroused: This maximum level of love that a Beinoni experiences during prayer is considered [at least for a Beinoni] a love of truth, as although it will dissipate after the prayer, nonetheless, since the G-dly soul within the Beinoni is always able to re-arouse this love daily during prayer through proper preparation it is therefore considered a love of truth.
  • The preparation necessary for the love to be aroused: This love can be aroused daily by the Beinoni through him doing the proper preparations prior to prayer. These preparations are personally tailored for each person’s level [and hence each person requires a preparation in quality and quantity which is unique for him to help them arouse the love and his G-dly soul every day].
  • Many levels of truth, each for their level: The attribute of truth is the attribute of Jacob, which is called the middle rod which connects one end of the wall to the other. This means that the attribute of truth exists in every single level from the highest to the lowest, and that every level contains an aspect of truth which is commensurate to its level. It is the center and middle section of each level. On this it states that truth is a river without boundaries, as it has no measurement above and reaches the highest of levels. At the same time, the truth found in a lower level is considered like naught in comparison to the truth found in a higher level.
  • In Kabbalah, we find a similar concept in which it states that the head and intellect of the lower levels is lower than the heels and legs of the levels higher than it. This is hinted to also in the saying of the sages which state that the legs of the Angels called Chayos are greater than all.

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