Daily Tanach Monday Sefer Melachim 2 Chapter 3 Part 2: A coalition is made to battle Moav

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer
  1. A coalition is made with the king of Israel, Yehuda, and Edom, to battle Moav:
  • Taking a census: King Yehoram went out of Samaria on that day and counted all the Jewish people.
  • Approaching the kingdom of Yehuda to join in the war against Moav: King Yehoram went and sent a message to Yehoshafat, the king of Yehuda, asking him to join him to wage war against the king of Moav who has rebelled against him. The king of Yehuda responded that he agrees to join him in his war efforts against Moav, and replied, “I will go up. I am like you, my people are like your people, and my horses are like your horses.” The king of Yehuda asked as to which road they shall take to wage the battle and he was told that they will travel through the Desert of Edom [as the king of Edom will also join them in the war[1]].


  1. The journey to battle is met with a drought:
  • The seven-day journey: The king of Israel and the king of Yehuda and the king of Edom went forth to wage war against Moav, and they traveled a journey of seven days.
  • The drought: There was no water available for the soldiers or for the animals that were with them.

[1] Rashi 3:8

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