- Elisha eats by the home of a prominent Shunamis woman: Elisha traveled to a town named Shunem, and there he met a prominent woman [who was the sister of Avishag Hashunamis[1]] who pressed upon him to eat a meal in her home, and so it was that whenever he would pass through the city, he would stop there to eat a meal.
- The Shunamis prepares a room for Elisha for him to stay whenever he comes by: The Shunamis woman said to her husband, “Behold, I have been made known that he is a holy man of G-d, who passes by us regularly [as whenever he comes there are no flies on the table, and I never find any stains on his bedding[2]]. Let us designate for him a small room in the upper chamber, and place there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp, so that when he comes to us, he will have where to stay.”
- Elisha blesses the woman with a son after staying in the room: When Elisha once again arrived to the city, he was led to his new room by the attic and he laid down there. Elisha then called to Geichazi his servant and asked him to summon the Shunemite woman so that he can bless her for all that she has done for him. And so he called her, and she stood before him. Elisha then told Geichazi to tell her, “You have busied yourself on our account with all this trouble, is there anything that I can do for you? Can we speak on your behalf to the king or to the general of the army?” She replied, “I dwell amongst my nation [and have no need for you to speak to anyone about me as I have no one to fear, and there is no one who troubles me[3]].” Elisha then asked Geichazi [after she left his presence] as to what if anything can he do for her to repay her for her goodness and kindness? Geichazi then replied and told Elisha that she does not have any sons and her husband is old [and is not capable of naturally having children[4]].” So, Elisha once again instructed his servant Geichazi to summon her, and so he summoned her, and she stood at the doorway. Elisha then said to her, “At this exact time next year you will embrace a son.” She replied in disbelief saying, “My master who is a Man of G-d, please do not fail your maidservant [by blessing me with a son who will not live, and only bless me if the son will merit to live so that I do not have to bury him[5]].”
- The Shunamis woman gives birth to a son: So it was that the Shunamis woman conceived and gave birth to a son at that same time a year later, just as Elisha had spoken to her.
- The child has a debilitating headache and dies as a result: The child grew up and one day when he went out to join his father in the field together with all the other harvesters, he told his father that he is suffering from a terrible debilitating headache. His father thus instructed to the servant to carry him to his mother [to take care of him]. And so he was carried to his mother, and he lay on her knees until noon, and he died. She took her dead son with her up to the attic, into the room designated for Elisha and laid him on Elisha’s bed, and closed the door with him inside and left.
- The Shunamis asks her husband for a servant and donkey so she can chase after Elisha: She called for her husband and told him to send to her one of the servants and one of the mules so that she can run up to Elisha and return. Her husband responded to her in a perplexed manner, not understanding why she needed to go greet him “as it is neither the Rosh Chodesh, nor Shabbos [which were the dates that she was accustomed to greet him[6]].” She replied to her husband that he has nothing to worry about and everything is okay and that she is simply going to greet him. [She hid from her husband her purpose of travel, and did not tell him that their son had died, as miracles are usually done in a modest fashion.[7]]
[1] Rashi 4:8
[2] Rashi 4:9
[3] Rashi 4:13
[4] Metzudos Dovid 4:14
[5] Rashi 4:16
[6] See Metzudos Dovid 4:23
[7] Metzudos Dovid 4:23
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