Daily Tanach Sunday Sefer Melachim 1 – Chapter 1: Dovid instructs for Shlomo to be anointed as king

* The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

1.      Dovid instructs for Shlomo to be anointed as king:

  • Dovid responds with reassuring Batsheva of her sons kingship: King Dovid responded by asking for Batsheva to be brought to his presence, and so she arrived before the king stood before him. The King then swore and said, “By the life of G-d who has redeemed my soul from all suffering, as I have sworn to you in the past in the name of G-d, the G-d of Israel, saying that your son Shlomo will rule after me and sit on my throne under me, so will be on this day as well.” Batsheva responded by prostrating herself to the ground in front of the king, and said to him, “Long live my master the king Dovid forever.”
  • Dovid instructs Tzadok, Nasan, and Benayahu, to anoint Shlomo as king: King Dovid asked for Tzadok the Kohen, Nasan the prophet, and Benayahu Ben Yehoyada to be brought before him, and so they arrived before the king. The king said to them, “Take with you the servant of your master, and have my son Shlomo ride on my personal mule [as a sign of kingship, as no one is allowed to ride on the chariot of the king other than a king himself[1]]. You shall ride with him until the wellspring called Gichon and then have him come off the chariot [in order to anoint him there, as King’s are anointed near a wellspring as a sign of the continuity of their monarchy[2]]. When there, Tzadok the Kohen and Nasan the prophet shall anoint him as king over Israel and blow the shofar and proclaim, “long live the King Shlomo.” [The anointing process is done through pouring oil between his eyes.[3]] You shall then follow after him to the palace and have him sit on my throne and he will rule under me, as I have commanded him to become the next leader over the Jewish people and Judea.” Benayahu Ben Yehoyada replied to the king saying, “Amen, as the king has said, so too may Hashem, the G-d of our master the king, agree with it. Just as Hashem was with my master the king so too, He shall be with Shlomo and may he strengthen his throne even more than the throne of my master the king”


2.      Shlomo is anointed king:

  • Riding Shlomo on the kings mule: Tzadok the Kohen and Nasan the prophet and Benayahu Ben Yehoyada and the Kreisi and Pleisi [i.e. Urim Vetumim[4]] went down and rode Shlomo on the mule of King Dovid and they rode with him to the Gichon.
  • Anointing Shlomo with oil: Tzadok the Kohen took the jar of oil [known as the Shemen Hamishcha which was made by Moshe[5]] from the tent and he anointed Shlomo.
  • The sound of the shofar and proclamation of Shlomo as king: They sounded the shofar while all those present proclaimed “long live King Shlomo.” All the nation followed after him, and the nation played musical instruments, and rejoiced a great joy to the point that the earth shattered due to the sound of rejoicing.

[1] Rashi 1:33

[2] Rashi 1:33

[3] Rashi 1:34

[4] Rashi 1:38

[5] Rashi 1:39

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