Daily Chumash Thursday Ki Savo – The blessings and curses on Har Gerizim and Har Eival

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. The blessings and curses on Har Gerizim and Har Eival:
  • The tribes on Har Gerizim for blessing: Moshe commanded the Jewish people that day saying: After passing the Yarden, on the side of blessing on Har Gerizim will stand Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Yissachar, Yosef and Binyamin.
  • The tribes on Har Eival for curses: On the side of curse on Har Eival will stand Reuvein, Gad, Asher, Zevulun, Dan, Naftali.
  • The Levites are to stand and proclaim to the Jewish people in a loud voice, the following:


  1. The curses:
  • Cursed is the man who makes idols. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who degrades his parents. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who moves back the boundary of his friend’s property. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who fools the blind. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who perverts the judgement of an orphan or widow in a court case. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with his father’s wife. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with an animal. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with his sister. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who sleeps with his mother in-law. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who discreetly hits his friend. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who takes money to kill the innocent. The entire nation is to answer Amen.
  • Cursed is the man who does not fulfil the Torah. The entire nation is to answer Amen.


  1. The blessings
    • If you listen and follow all of Hashem’s commands He will elevate you from amongst all the nations of the world and you will receive all the following blessings:
    • You will be blessed in the city and field.
    • Your children and animals and land will be blessed.
    • Your fruits and dry goods will be blessed.
    • You will be blessed when you enter and when you leave.

Daily Chumash Sunday Ki Savo – Mitzvah of Bikurim

Post Views: 72 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode  Rishon Bikurim: When you enter Eretz

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Daily Chumash Thursday Ki Seitzei – Feeding workers, Divorce

Post Views: 67 *The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer *As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases. Donate Buy in Paperback or Kindle Buy on Apple Books Purchase on our website Sign up for Daily Distribution Sponsor an Episode Chamishi Miscellaneous Mitzvos: Feeding workers on

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