Daily Chumash Sunday Balak – Balak requests from Balaam to curse the Jewish people

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

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  1. Balak requests from Balaam to curse the Jewish people:
    • The meeting to discuss the threat: Balak the son of Tzippor, the king of Moav at that time, saw all that the Jewish people did to the other nations and Moav became very frightened of the Jewish people. Moav met with the elders of Midian and discussed the threat that “Now they will chew up our entire surroundings like the ox chews the vegetation of the field.
    • Hiring Balaam: He sent emissaries to Balaam the son of Beor to come curse the Jewish people. They told him that a nation has left Egypt and has covered the eye of the land and is now standing opposite me [i.e. Moav]. “Now, please come and curse this nation for me, as they are much more powerful than me, and perhaps I will be successful in driving them out, as I know that whomever you bless is blessed and whom you curse is cursed.” The emissaries arrived at the house of Balaam to deliver the request.


  1. The response of Hashem to Balaam, and Balaam to Balak:
  • Hashem instructs Balaam not to go: Balaam replied to the messengers that they should stay the night as he must discuss with Hashem whether he may fulfill their request. Hashem appeared to Balaam and inquired as to who the visitors were. Balaam replied that they are messengers of Balak, the king of Moav, who are asking from him to curse the nation who left Egypt. Upon hearing Balaam’s reply, Hashem told him not to go with them and not to curse the Jewish people, as the Jewish people are blessed.

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