Daily Chumash Devarim Friday – Moshe recounts the conquering of Sichon

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  • Moshe recounts the conquering of Sichon: Hashem told me that He has begun handing over Sichon and his land to us, and so it was that Sichon confronted us in battle and we smote them with G-d’s help. We captured all of the cities, women and children and left no survivors. We took only the animals and possessions of the city as booty.
  • Moshe recounts conquering Og: We turned and traveled towards the Bashan, and Og the king of Bashan confronted us in battle with his entire nation. Hashem told me not to fear him, as He has handed him into our hands just as he did with Sichon. And so it was that Hashem handed to us Og, his sons, and his entire nation, we left no survivors. We captured all of his cities, sixty in total. The cities were fortified with high walls. We destroyed every city and all its inhabitants, men, women, and children. The animals and its possessions we took as spoil. Og was a giant who came from the Refaim. He was nine Amos tall and four Amos wide [in the Amos of Og[1]].
  • Moshe recounts the distribution of land to the tribes of Reuvein, Gad and half of Menasheh: I gave the land of Sichon to Reuvein and Gad, while the land of Og was given to half the tribe of Menasheh. Yair the son of Menasheh captured the region of the Refaim.

[1] Rashi

Daily Chumash Sunday Ki Savo – Mitzvah of Bikurim

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Daily Chumash Thursday Ki Seitzei – Feeding workers, Divorce

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