Question: [Monday 21st Tamuz, 5780] May a man trim his eyebrows, or does doing so transgress Lo Yilbash? Basically, my eyebrows are really wide and go out of their intended “perimeter” and I would like to know if I can trim or shave them in that area. Answer: It […]
Which child is obligated in Pidyon Haben-Part 2-Son of Kohen, Levi, Gentile
Which child is obligated in Pidyon Haben-Part 2: A. The son of a Levi-Leviyah/Kohen-Kohenes:[1] Kohanim and Levites are exempt from Pidyon Haben.[2] Even a Kohenes or Leviyah who is married to a Yisrael, her son is not obligated in Pidyon Haben.[3] [This applies even today when we no longer have […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Fixing two letters which are found touching by the Parshiyos of Tefillin
Question: [Sunday, 26th Adar 1, 5782] I sent my Rashi pair of Tefillin to be checked by a sofer for the first time after my Bar Mitzvah and the Sofer said that they are invalid, being that he found two letters which were touching each other [the tip of one […]
The order when two Torah scrolls are removed
The order when two Torah scrolls are removed:[1] It is forbidden to roll a Sefer Torah in front of the congregation due to respect for the congregation.[2] Accordingly, whenever two different sections of the Torah need to be read, such as by every Yom Tov[3], Shabbos Rosh Chodesh[4], Shabbos Chanukah[5], […]
May one play chess on Shabbos?
May one play chess on Shabbos? Letter of the law:[1] It is permitted to play a game using [pre-designated[2]] bones[3] so long as one is not doing so for gambling purposes. [Some[4] explain that this bone game refers to chess. Others[5] explain this to refer to “five stones” or “Kugalach”. […]
May one answer Baruch Uvaruch Shemo in middle of Davening?
May one answer Baruch Uvaruch Shemo in middle of Davening?[1] One who is in an area of Davening in which it is forbidden to make an interval, which is from Baruch Sheamar in Pesukei Dezimra until after Shemoneh Esrei, then he may not answer Baruch Hu Uvrach Shemo to a […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Are teenagers held liable for sins
Question: [Tuesday, 21st Adar 1, 5782] I have heard many times that a person is not held liable for his sins and does not receive punishment until the age of 20? This would basically mean that all teenagers are not held liable for their actions. Is this true and how […]
Which child is obligated in Pidyon Haben-Part 1-Mother versus father, miscarriages, c-section
Which child is obligated in Pidyon Haben? Part 1 A. Firstborn son versus firstborn daughter: Only a firstborn son is obligated in being redeemed and not a firstborn daughter.[1] Likewise, only if the son was the firstborn child is he obligated in being redeemed. Thus, if a daughter was born […]
Drinking during Davening if thirsty
Drinking during Davening:[1] Once one has begun Baruch Sheamar, it is forbidden to drink until after Shemoneh Esrei [and Tachanun[2]].[3] This prohibition applies even between the paragraphs [i.e. Bein Haperakim]. However, prior to Baruch Sheamar, and after Shemoneh Esrei [and Tachanun], it is permitted to recite a blessing over a […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May the father of the child be the Sandek?
Question: [Sunday, 19th Adar 1, 5782] Is it permitted for the father of the child to be the Sandek for his own child rather than honor another individual? Is it praiseworthy for him to do so? Answer: Yes. It is both permitted, and praiseworthy and even customary, for a […]