Question: [Thursday, 7th Kisleiv 5783] I borrowed an item from an individual and will be seeing them on Shabbos. May I return the item to them on Shabbos? Answer: You may only return a borrowed item on Shabbos if the individual has a use for the item on Shabbos. If […]
Dog owning prohibitions and restrictions
Dog owning prohibitions and restrictions:[1] A. The prohibition against owning a dangerous or intimidating dog:[2] It is [Biblically[3]] forbidden for one to raise a dangerous or vicious dog. [One who does so transgresses both a Biblical positive and negative command which obligates one to get rid of safety hazards.[4]] The […]
The start time of the 6.5 hours into the day of Mincha Gedola-Zemaniyos or 30 minutes; Reply of Rav Eli Landa regarding sleeping without socks
Question: [Wednesday, 6th Kisleiv 5783] Is the earliest time for Davening Mincha Gedola calculated as 30 minutes past midday, or as Shaos Zemaniyos. I am asking because I noticed in the calendar that they calculate Mincha Gedola as 30 minutes past midday throughout the year, and it does not change. […]
Married women covering their hair even when alone at home
Married women covering their hair even when alone at home:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that, from the letter of the law, a married woman is not required to cover her hair in the privacy of her home or room when no one else is around.[3] [According to this opinion, she may […]
Sleeping with versus without socks
Sleeping with versus without socks: A. The Halachic issue of removing the socks and revealing the feet:[1] Communities of people that never reveal the feet:[2] (In those areas that it is not common to ever walk with revealed feet, even in the summer, they must be careful to always have […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Gentile seeing wine in Kiddush cup
Question: [Sunday, 3rd Kisleiv, 5783] In response to your recent article on the subject of avoiding drinking wine that was seen by Gentile, does this apply even to wine that is inside a kiddush cup? As it was witnessed by the Rebbe by Kos Shel Bracha that he poured wine […]
The Bas Mitzvah Customs
The significance of 12 years of age: When a girl turns 12 years of age she becomes Biblically obligated in Torah and Mitzvos.[1] Until that age she is considered a Ketana, and is Biblically exempt from keeping Mitzvos. The completion of the entrance of the G-dly soul into the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Heating foods in warming cabinet on Shabbos
Question: [Thursday, 30th MarCheshvan 5783] The kitchen department of our learning institution which contains a dormitory just purchased a warming cabinet which is meant to store food after it is already cooked so it stays warm. I would like to know if there’s any issue with us using this on […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Getting an Aliyah if in fight with Baal Korei
Question: [Wednesday, 29th MarCheshvan 5783] I am the Gabbaiy of a Shul and I have the following unusual question. One of the congregants in our synagogue is in a year’s long financial dispute with our set Baal Korei, in which a lot of bad blood has been created between them. […]
Do the souls of the dead know whats happening below in this world?
Are the souls of the dead aware of what’s happening below in this world? A. Sources which imply that the dead are unaware of the happenings of below: Koheles and Rebbe Yonason in Brachos: It states in the verse in Koheles[1] that “Ein Hameisim Yodim Meuma/the dead know nothing.” The […]