Question: [Thursday, 14th Kisleiv 5783] I have a relative who works in investments and has offered members of our family a great financial opportunity to invest in a string of nursing homes which we hope will bring in a nice income. However, when I was discussing this with a friend […]
Measuring on Shabbos-Part 2
Measuring on Shabbos or Yom Tov for the sake of a Mitzvah & Shiureiy Mitzvah:[1] Regarding Shabbos the Poskim[2] rule that it is permitted to measure on Shabbos a Mitzvah measurement [i.e. Medida Shel Mitzvah].[3] However, regarding Yom Tov the Poskim[4] rule that is that it is forbidden to measure […]
Giving Tzedaka at night
Giving Tzedaka at night:[1] A. The law: Based on Kabbalah, one is to avoid giving charity at night [until midnight, if he is able to give the charity during daytime].[2] [However, from the letter of the law it is certainly permitted to do so, and it is not considered a […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Dangling the straps of the Tefillin Shel Rosh versus tucking them into belt or gartel
Question: [Tuesday, 12th Kisleiv, 5783] I was wearing my Tefillin with my front straps of the Shel Rosh tucked into my Gartel and someone came over to me and said that it is not our custom in Chabad to do so. Is this accurate, and if so then what do […]
Katlanis-Remarrying after two or more deaths of previous spouses
Katlanis-Remarrying after two or more deaths of previous spouses r”l:[1] Widow: A woman who became widowed twice [was married or Halachically engaged/Mekudeshes twice, and each of her husbands passed away during the marriage, or after the Kiddushin before the Nessuin[2]] is not to remarry a third time as she is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Setting up Neigal Vaaser near bed-A custom for all, or a made up stringency
Question: [Monday, 11th Kisleiv, 5783] I was listening to a very popular radio show which features a very well-known and respected Rav and leading Posek who answers questions from listeners on the radio. One of the listeners asked him if there’s any source for the custom of some Jews to […]
May one sit by the corner of a table- does it affect your chances of getting married
May one sit by the corner of a table-and does it affect your chances of getting married? Many of the populace are accustomed for single men and women not to sit by the corner of a table as doing so prevents one from finding a Zivug.[1] There is no known […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Switching Chazan after Yishtabach
Question: [Sunday, 10th Kisleiv, 5783] I was asked to switch the Chazan by Yishtabach, and I accidentally already finished Pesukei Dezimra and said Yishtabach by the time it came time for me to switch when the Chazan for Pesukei Dezimra reached Yishtabach. What am I to do? Answer: In such […]
Passing a child over a table-Superstition or Halacha
Passing a baby over a table: Many of the populace are accustomed not to pass a child over a table.[1] There is no known source for this custom in any Jewish literature, and it certainly does not derive from the Talmud or Poskim.[2] The Halachic debate: Some Poskim[3] would negate […]
Measuring on Shabbos-Part 1
Measuring on Shabbos:[1] The prohibition:[2] It is forbidden to measure [or weigh[3]] anything on Shabbos [or Yom Tov[4]].[5] This applies whether with one’s hands or with a measuring tape [or with a vessel[6]].[7] This applies whether for business or personal related purposes.[8] [This applies whether one uses a mechanical or […]