Question: [Thursday, 30th MarCheshvan 5783] The kitchen department of our learning institution which contains a dormitory just purchased a warming cabinet which is meant to store food after it is already cooked so it stays warm. I would like to know if there’s any issue with us using this on […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Getting an Aliyah if in fight with Baal Korei
Question: [Wednesday, 29th MarCheshvan 5783] I am the Gabbaiy of a Shul and I have the following unusual question. One of the congregants in our synagogue is in a year’s long financial dispute with our set Baal Korei, in which a lot of bad blood has been created between them. […]
Do the souls of the dead know whats happening below in this world?
Are the souls of the dead aware of what’s happening below in this world? A. Sources which imply that the dead are unaware of the happenings of below: Koheles and Rebbe Yonason in Brachos: It states in the verse in Koheles[1] that “Ein Hameisim Yodim Meuma/the dead know nothing.” The […]
Cleaning the table before Birchas Hamazon-what is to remain?-Full article
Cleaning the table before Birchas Hamazon-what is to remain-Full article?[1] A. Slices and crumbs of bread: Not to finish all the bread during the meal:[2] Whoever does not leave some bread on his table [throughout the meal[3]] will never see a sign of blessing [and doing so can cause poverty[4]].[5] […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Entering a Mosque
Question: [Monday, 27th MarCheshvan, 5783] Is there any prohibition involved in entering a Mosque? To explain the context, we are going on a trip to a foreign country which has a Muslim majority and some of the tourist sites include mosques, and I would like to know if there’s any […]
Bringing or leaving a whole loaf of bread on the table by Birchas Hamazon
Bringing or leaving a loaf of bread on the table by Birchas Hamazon: Not to bring a loaf of bread to the table for Birchas Hamazon:[1] [Although it is proper to have bread remain on the table while saying Birchas Hamazon, nevertheless even] if there is no bread remaining on […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Dipping bread in salt three times
Question: [Sunday, 26th Marcheshvan, 5783] What is the source and reason for dipping one’s bread into salt three times after one says Hamotzi, prior to eating from it after the blessing, and does this apply only on Shabbos or even during the week? Answer: According to Kabbalah, as recorded […]
Leaving bread on the table until after Birchas Hamazon & cleaning the crumbs before Bentching
Leaving bread on the table until after Birchas Hamazon & cleaning the crumbs before Bentching:[1] Not to finish all the bread during the meal:[2] Whoever does not leave some bread on his table [throughout the meal[3]] will never see a sign of blessing [and doing so can cause poverty[4]].[5] [Accordingly […]
From the Rav’s Desk: First son inheriting double portion if born after girl; Carlebach music and the view of the Rebbe and Halacha
1. Question: [Thursday, 23rd MarCheshvan 5783] I would like to know if my and my 2nd wife’s son who is our firstborn is eligible to receive a double portion as the Torah dictates if he was born after I had a daughter from a previous marriage? Answer: He is not […]
Picking fruits from under a tree on Shabbos
Picking fruits from under a tree on Shabbos:[1] All fruits which have fallen off a tree on Shabbos are forbidden to be eaten until after Shabbos[2] and are therefore Muktzah.[3] Furthermore, even if there is doubt as to if the fruits fell on Shabbos or beforehand it is forbidden.[4] [Accordingly, […]