Measuring on Shabbos-Part 2

Measuring on Shabbos or Yom Tov for the sake of a Mitzvah & Shiureiy Mitzvah:[1] Regarding Shabbos the Poskim[2] rule that it is permitted to measure on Shabbos a Mitzvah measurement [i.e. Medida Shel Mitzvah].[3] However, regarding Yom Tov the Poskim[4] rule that is that it is forbidden to measure […]

Giving Tzedaka at night

Giving Tzedaka at night:[1] A. The law: Based on Kabbalah, one is to avoid giving charity at night [until midnight, if he is able to give the charity during daytime].[2] [However, from the letter of the law it is certainly permitted to do so, and it is not considered a […]

Measuring on Shabbos-Part 1

Measuring on Shabbos:[1] The prohibition:[2] It is forbidden to measure [or weigh[3]] anything on Shabbos [or Yom Tov[4]].[5] This applies whether with one’s hands or with a measuring tape [or with a vessel[6]].[7] This applies whether for business or personal related purposes.[8] [This applies whether one uses a mechanical or […]