Question: [Wednesday, 4th Teves 5783] Chassidim in general and Chabad Chassidim in particular have accepted the rulings of the Shulchan Aruch Harav and use it as their main source of study of Jewish law. What is our perspective regarding the Mishneh Berurah, which is the most popular Halacha Sefer studied […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Jewish identity of an abandoned child
Question: [Wednesday, 3rd Teves 5783] I was recently told that if a baby is found abandoned without any records of his identity, then the determination of his identity, whether Jew or Gentile is determined by the identity of the majority of the people in the area. Is this correct? Answer: […]
Olives-The restrictions in eating olives due to fear of memory loss
Olives-The restrictions in eating olives due to fear of memory loss:[1] One who is accustomed[2] to eating olives, forgets his learning.[3] It can cause one to forget his learning of the past 70 years.[4] Pickled versus raw olives: Some Poskim[5] rule that this worry applies only to raw olives over […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should the Chazan take three steps back and forwards before starting Chazaras Hashatz?
Question: [Monday, 2nd Teves, 5783] Is it necessary for the Chazan take three steps back and forwards before Chazaras Hashatz as we all do prior to starting our private Shemoneh Esrei? I heard that it is not neccessary, but always see all the Chazzanim doing it. Answer: In the […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Where should a guest light on Motzei Shabbos?
Question: [Sunday, 1st Teves, 5783] We were away for Shabbos and will be returning home right after Shabbos. Where should we light the candles, when we arrive home, or by our current location before we leave? Answer: If you will not arrive back home late, then you should delay lighting […]
Lighting candles by both entrances if one who has two entrances to his home
Lighting candles by both entrances if one who has two entrances to his home:[1] A courtyard [or house[2]] that has two opening [to the public] from two different directions[3] is required to have a Menorah lit by both entrances.[4] One Menorah is lit with a blessing while the second is […]
Shabbos Chanukah-Full Compilation of everything you need to know
Shabbos Chanukah[1] This chapter is a compilation of laws relating to Shabbos Chanukah that have been gathered from all the chapters of the book. Further details of the particular laws can be found in their main subject in the relevant chapter. Mincha Erev Shabbos?[2] Mincha is prayed [early] on Erev […]
Shabbos Chanukah-The Shabbos Chanukah candle lighting
Shabbos Chanukah[1] 1. Mincha Erev Shabbos?[2] Mincha is prayed [early] on Erev Shabbos, prior to lighting the Chanukah candles.[3] [In a time of need, however, one may light the candles prior to Mincha.[4] If one is unable to Daven Mincha with a Minyan prior to candle lighting, it is better […]
Eating and doing Melacha before candle lighting
Eating and doing Melacha before candle lighting:[1] When the time of lighting Chanukah candles arrives [each in accordance to their custom[2]] it remains forbidden to eat a meal, do work, or even learn Torah, until the candles are lit.[3] Half hour prior to candle lighting: Some Poskim[4] rule one is […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one move the Menorah after it has been lit-within the half hour
Question: [Wednesday, 27th Kisleiv 5783] After lighting the menorah, I noticed that it was a little too close to the doorpost, and the flame can cause the wood door post to catch fire, so I moved the menorah which was on a stool a few inches away from the doorpost. […]