Bal Tosif by Tzitzis-May one wear more than one pair of Tallis Katan at a time? A. Introduction-The prohibition of Bal Tosif:[1] The Torah prohibits one from adding to the commands. The interpretation, however, of this prohibition varies based on the type and form of addition and hence by every […]
Are raw eggs Muktzah on Shabbos?
Are raw Kosher eggs Muktzah on Shabbos?[1] Although raw foods that are not edible unless cooked are generally Muktzah on Shabbos[2], nevertheless, it is evident from the Poskim[3] that raw [Kosher[4]] eggs are not Muktzah on Shabbos and have the same status as any other edible food.[5] [Thus, one may […]
The speed of Chazaras Hashatz & The problem of Amen Yesoma
The speed of Chazaras Hashatz & The problem of Amen Yesoma: A. Introduction:[1] Answering Amen to a blessing contains a number of laws and restrictions. The proper answering of Amen is so severe that Ben Azaiy states in the Talmud that on one’s form of answer is dependent the longevity […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Immersing/Toiveling many vessels together in a basket or bag in a Mikveh Keilim
Question: [Wednesday, 16th Shevat 5783] I bought a large amount of cutlery that needs to be immersed in the Keilim Mikveh I would like to know if I can just put them all in a bag or basket or pitcher or cup and immerse it all at once, or if […]
Forgiving your honor as a parent- Part 2
Forgiving your honor as a parent-Part 2:[1] Mechila in matters of fear: Some Poskim[2] rule that the ability for a parent to forgive his honor only applies to those matters that a child has to perform out of honor for his parent, however, those matters that a child has to […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May one Daven Shacharis within a half hour after Chatzos
Question: [Sunday, 21st Shevat, 5783] I will be flying next week and will be arriving to my destination very close to midday. I do not like Davening on the plane as it is very difficult to concentrate as I’m sure you know. So, I have the option of Davening in […]
Forgiving your honor as a parent
Forgiving your honor as a parent:[1] A father [or mother] who forgives his [or her] honor, his [or her] honor is forgiven. [This, however, only means that the children will not be punished for disrespecting him in such a case that the parent was forgiving of the respect. However, certainly […]
Is the Mitzvah to pray Biblical or Rabbinical
Is the Mitzvah to pray Biblical or Rabbinical?[1] A. Personal prayers-Praying in distress:[2] [According to all Poskim[3]] it is a Biblical command to Daven to Hashem in a time of need, when one is in a state of distress and requires Divine assistance. [Furthermore, this is the main intent of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: May a Shomeres Yavam go on Shidduchim before Chalitza?
Question: [Thursday, 18th Shevat, 5783] A few years ago, I became widowed from my husband, who did not have any children. My husband has brothers with whom I understand must perform Chalitza with me prior to me remarrying. It was really complicated to arrange so in the meantime, I simply […]
When to go shopping for Shabbos
When to go shopping for Shabbos:[1] [In general,] it is better to go shopping for Shabbos on Friday, which is Erev Shabbos, than to go shopping on Thursday.[2] However, this only applies to readymade foods that do not require preparation to be fit to be eaten, such as beverages and […]