How to wear the Tallis Katan-Tzitzis sticking out [Ashkenazim/Chabad] versus tucked in [Sephardim] versus over one’s shirt [Chassidim]

How to wear the Tallis Katan-Tzitzis sticking out of one’s pants versus tucked in versus over one’s shirt:[1] A. The various customs: Regarding how the Tallis Katan is to be worn we find three distinct customs amongst the Jewish people. Chassidic-Over the shirt but under coat: Some are accustomed to […]

Parshas Behalosecha-Diaspora-Summary, Torah Or, Likkutei Sichos, Video Shiurim; Halachos

Parshas Behalosecha-Summary of Parsha 1) The Menorah 2) The Karban Pesach in the desert: 3) Pesach Sheiyni Click Here Parshas Behalosecha-Parsha Bee Not Available Parshas Behalosecha-Parsha Insights Not Available Parshas Behalosecha-Mamar Likkutei Torah The story of the Slav Click Here Parshas Behalosecha-Selected Teachings from Likkutei Torah Not Available Parshas Behalosecha-Likkutei […]

Fact or myth-Pouring liquids backwards

Fact or myth-Pouring liquids backwards:[1] A. The custom: Many of the populace are accustomed to not pour liquids backwards. Below we will discuss the details of this tradition, its sources, reasons, Halachic pushback’s, and whether its practice is to be encouraged or discouraged from being followed. B. Does it have […]