Is the blessing of Shechiyanu recited upon purchasing expensive items?[1] The blessing of Shechiyanu on new items is only recited upon purchasing important clothing, or a home. However, it is not customary to recite it upon purchasing objects, including when one purchases [expensive objects such as] vessels made of gold […]
Subletting-Renting or lending a rented home to another
Subletting-Renting or lending a rented home to another: No rental agreement or state laws:[1] One who rented a home, may rent it to another so long as the second renter does not bring to live in the home more people than the first renter. Likewise, one who borrowed a home, […]
Wearing red colored clothing-Part 1
Wearing red colored clothing: Red colored clothing is forbidden to be worn [by either men or women], as they are worn by gentiles for purposes of promiscuity, [and one who wears it transgresses the prohibition of “Thou shall not go in their statutes”[1]].[2] It is likewise not befitting for modest […]
Hitting children during the Three Weeks
Not to hit kids:[1] From the 17th of Tamuz until the 9th of Av one is to beware from hitting his students [or his children[2], even with a belt[3], and certainly not with a stick or rod[4]]. [Some Poskim[5] however rule one may hit a child using his hands. […]
Lending a rented or borrowed item to another-Part 2
Lending a rented or borrowed item to another Part 2:[1] In Part 1 we explained the general prohibition against lending a borrowed or rented item to another, without explicit permission of the owner. In today’s Halacha we will discuss various cases of exception. Moveable objects and animals:[2] Exception #1-In […]
When does the fast end? May one Daven Maariv early?
When does the fast end?[1] All fasts conclude after nightfall.[2] This is defined as the sighting of three medium stars, or when the moon shines very brightly on the earth.[3] It however does not suffice to see three large stars.[4] [Practically, in Eretz Yisrael, some[5] say that this is approximately […]
Children waiting between eating meat and milk
How long are children to wait between eating meat and milk?[1] Introduction: The accustomed six-hour wait between meat and dairy is not a Biblical requirement, and is even debated as to if it is a Rabbinical requirement or a mere custom.[2] Either way, whether it is Rabbinical or a […]
Having a therapist or tutor of the opposite gender
Summary on conversation with the opposite gender It is permitted to talk with the opposite gender regarding necessary subjects. It is forbidden to talk excessively, regarding unnecessary matters. It is Biblically forbidden to flirt with the opposite gender due to a negative command, and doing so is included in Yaharog […]
Closing up a window or door
Closing up a window or door:[1] One may not completely [and permanently[2]] close off a window or door, being that demons use openings to enter and exit and hence can lead to danger. Rather one must leave a small hole in the area. [The custom is to place a […]
When to say Birchas Hashachar
When are the morning blessings to be recited; at home or in Shul? The ruling in Shulchan Aruch: Al Netilas Yadayim; Asher Yatzar; Elokaiy Neshama:[1] These three blessings are to be recited immediately upon awakening as explained in Chapter 6. Hanosen Lasechvi Binah through Hagomel Chassadim Tovim:[2] These blessings […]