Does baby formula require a Hashgacha?

This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Does baby formula require a Hashgacha?[1] Baby formula which serves as an alternative to breast milk contain various Kashrus concerns including, non-Kosher milk and non-Kosher animal products which are used to create the vital nutrients necessary for the infant.[2] Accordingly, […]

Paying owed bus fares:

Paying owed bus fares: It is forbidden to enter a person’s property without their permission.[1] This applies whether the property is owned by a Jew or a gentile.[2] It goes without saying that one may not make use of facilities within another’s property without their permission.[3] [Accordingly, it is forbidden […]

Hasagas Gvul in Torah education and occupations-Can an infringement claim be brought against a new Torah class, new Yeshiva, new Rabbi in town, and new Chabad house?

Hasagas Gvul in Torah education and occupations-Can an infringement claim be brought against a new Torah class, new Yeshiva, new Rabbi in town, and new Chabad house? Background: Secular law in most of the modern world follows the economic philosophy of capitalism, and allows free unrestrained opening of businesses and […]