This article is taken from our Sefer Buy Me Here Salting salad on Shabbos:[1] All foods which salt helps to change its natural state[2], [such as] to soften[3] it, or harden[4] it, or remove its bitterness, and other [changes] of the like, which includes all foods which are commonly pickled, […]
The names of the Jewish months
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on The names of the month:[1] The origin: The Yerushalmi[2] states that the names of the Hebrew months, Nissan, Iyar, Sivan etc, were brought down from Bavel, during the first exile [approximately in the 3200’s or 500 BC]. This teaches […]
Making a form of the human body in drawing or sculpture
Making a form of the human body in drawing or sculpture:[1] It is forbidden to form a sculpture of the human body.[2] It is forbidden to make it even for purposes of mere beauty and decoration.[3] The prohibited form-Sculpture and protruding engraving versus drawing and internal engraving of above items:[4] […]
Writing, messaging, Whatsapping, during Davening
Writing, text messaging, Whatsapping, during Davening:\ Introduction: It is forbidden to talk during Davening, once one has begun Baruch Sheamar, until after Shemoneh Esrei.[1] The question is asked regarding the status of writing, and if it is likewise forbidden to write, or send text messages, during Davening, just as it […]
Taking a gentile to a secular court
May one take a gentile to a secular court? The Biblical prohibition against going to secular courts applies even against taking a gentile to a secular court, and one who does so transgresses a negative command.[1] This applies even if the secular courts rule the same way as the Beis […]
May one sign a DNI or DNR order for himself, or for a patient under his care
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Resuscitation-May one sign a DNI[1]/DNR[2]/AND[3] order for himself, or for a patient under his care?[4] A. Introduction: Understanding resuscitation and DNI/R consent forms: Resuscitation attempts [i.e. C.P.R.[5]] of one who is under cardiac arrest, or has experienced lung [i.e. respiratory] failure, is […]
May one use a new vessel one time without immersion?
May one use a new vessel one time without immersion?[1] It is a [Biblical[2]] obligation to immerse a food vessel that was purchased from a gentile.[3] One must immerse the vessel prior to using it for food even on a temporary basis [even prior to using it for the first […]
Brushing dust off clothing/hat/shoes on Shabbos
Brushing dust/dirt from clothing [without using water]:[1] *This Halacha does not apply to removing wet or dry mud from clothing, and does not apply to using water or other liquids to clean the garment Some opinions[2] rule that it is [Biblically[3]] forbidden to shake off earth or dust from a […]
May one walk in areas in which there are women who are not modestly dressed?
May one to walk in areas in which there are women who are not modestly dressed?[1] Due to the grave prohibition against staring at the beauty of a woman[2], the question is raised regarding walking in public, in immodest areas, and if or how, it is to be avoided. If […]
The Brain death debate in Jewish law
Brain death:[1] The question of whether brain death is defined as death is highly debated in the Halachic world, and religious circles, and carried ramifications of several Halachic issues, such as removing the patient from life support, and organ transplants. The following is an analysis on the subject and the […]