After Sukkos laws

After Sukkos: A. Isru Chag: The name Isru Chag derives from the verse “Isru Chag Baavosim Ad Karnei Hamizbeiach.” This means to say that this day is to be attached [i.e. Isru] to the Holiday itself, and by doing so the verse considers him to have built an Altar and […]

Misc Q&A on Laws of Chol Hamoed

Should one eat Mezonos and say the blessing of Leisheiv Basukkah after shaking Lulav?[1] Some Chassidim are particular, based on an acclaimed oral[2] statement of the Rebbe to a certain individual Chassid during the Yom Tov meals, to eat a Kibeitza of Mezonos and say Leisheiv Basukkah after shaking the […]

Laws & Customs of Chol Hamoed-Summary

The purpose of Chol Hamoed: Torah learning: The entire purpose of Chol Hamoed is for the sake of the Jewish people dedicating themselves towards Torah learning. Throughout the year we are involved in mundane work in efforts to sustain our family and contribute to society. The week of Chol Hamoed […]