Switching Mohel’s for the Brisim of different children:[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that once one has become accustomed to hiring a certain Mohel to perform the circumcisions of his sons then it is forbidden to switch and use a different Mohel for the circumcision of any future sons [without the original […]
The alternatives for men if a Mikveh is not available-Part 1-Using a swimming pool
The alternatives for men if a Mikveh is not available:[1] A. Introduction: The immersion in a Kosher Mikveh accomplishes two matters. It purifies a person from the Keri impurity and it adds extra purity to the soul, cleansing it in a form of Teshuvah [i.e. Tosefes Taharah].[2] According to many […]
Is one Yotzei with the blessing of another if he said Baruch Hu Uvarcuh Shemo after hearing Hashem’s name said in the blessing?
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com Answering Baruch Hu Uvaruch Shemo to a blessing that one is being Yotzei:[1] In all situations that one hears a blessing and has in mind to fulfill his obligation through hearing it, such as by Kiddush or Havdala, and […]
May one spray/apply oil or hair spray on their hair on Shabbos?
May one spray[1]/apply oil or hair spray on their hair on Shabbos?[2] Introduction: Different forms of hairspray are used on the hair for various purposes. Some are used to give the hairy shiny look, others are used to harden a hairdo, others are used to give a good smell to […]
Did I say Yaleh Veyavo? The law if one is In doubt if he said Ya’aleh Veyavo by Shacharis or Mincha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com In doubt if said Ya’aleh Veyavo by Shacharis or Mincha: If one is in doubt as to whether he recited Ya’aleh Veyavo in Shacharis or Mincha, then some Poskim[1] rule he fulfills his obligation and is not required to […]
Is Rosh Chodesh a Biblical holiday? The scriptural sources for the holiday of Rosh Chodesh and it’s Biblical status
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on Amazon.com The holiday of Rosh Chodesh in scripture: The commemoration of Rosh Chodesh as a joyful day is brought in scripture in the verse[1] “Ubeyom Simchaschem Ubemoadeichem Ubiroshei Chodsheichem.” This verse lists the day of Rosh Chodesh together with Shabbos […]
Isru Chag
Isru Chag:[1] The name:[2] The day after each of the three Holidays is called Isru Chag.[3] The name Isru Chag derives from the verse “Isru Chag Baavosim Ad Karnei Hamizbeiach”. This means to say that this day is to be attached [i.e. Isru] to the Holiday itself, and by doing […]
Tying down your Sechach so it does not fly away with the wind:
Tying down your Sechach so it does not fly away with the wind: The necessity for doing so:[1] Often throughout the holiday of Sukkos, changes of weather which come with gusts of wind can topple down Sukkos, and deem them invalid. In this respect, even if the walls of the […]
Watering plants on Chol Hamoed
Watering plants on Chol Hamoed:[1] It is permitted to water plants on Chol Hamoed for purposes of damage prevention, such as to prevent the plants from withering if they were to not be watered. It is, however, forbidden to water plants if there will be no loss or damage involved […]
The status of an Arava with fallen leaves
The status of an Arava if its leaves fell off:[1] Bedieved-Letter of law: If majority of the Arava leaves fell off. the Arava is Pasul.[2] One must be very careful regarding this matter, as it occurs that upon inserting the Aravos into the [binding of the] Lulav, and likewise upon […]