Listen here to audio Men immersing with clothing in a Mikveh, pool, sea, ocean: *The below only applies to a male immersion, for female immersion, see here! **The immersion in a Mikveh/pool/ocean during Covid-19 may only be done in accordance to, and with permission of, directives of the medical establishment […]
Answering Amen to a Covid-19 Minyan which defies medical and Rabbinical directives
Listen here to Shiur May one answer Amen etc if he is in range of hearing a Minyan that does not follow proper protocol for Covid-19, or is taking place contrary to the instructions of the local medical or/and Rabbinical directives? It is forbidden for a Chazan to lead a […]
May the blessing of Birchas Ilanos be said over a fruit tree growing in a movable pot [i.e. tree pot]?
May the blessing be said over a fruit tree growing in a movable pot [i.e. tree pot]? Yes, a growing tree which is planted with earth inside of a pot may have the blessing said over it if it has produced blossoming fruit. Accordingly, in areas that fruit trees are […]
How to perform Kerias Hatorah by porch Minyanim
Listen here to Shiur How to perform Kerias Hatorah by Covid-19 porch Minyanim: Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, Minyanim have sprouted on the porches of buildings that contain a Minyan worth of tenants, each individual sitting on his own porch, and the question is asked in regards to how Kerias […]
Wearing slippers during Davening
Listen here to Shiur May one wear slippers for Davening?[1] One is required to Daven in a dress code that is fitting to be worn before a king, aristocrat, and people of stature.[2] From this it is understood that whether it is permitted to Daven wearing slippers is dependent on […]
Fixing items during Chol Hamoed
Fixing items during Chol Hamoed:[1] The general rule: In general, it is forbidden to fix items in a professional way during Chol Hamoed.[2] This applies even if it is needed for the sake of the Moed.[3] However, it is permitted to perform amateur fixing jobs on Chol Hamoed if it […]
Besamim for Havdalah on Motzei Chol Hamoed Pesach
Besamim for Havdalah on Motzei Chol Hamoed Pesach:[1] Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach follows the same laws as Havdalah throughout the year, and hence the Mitzvah of Besamim applies on Motzei Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach just as it applies throughout the year. Nevertheless, due to the Chametz restrictions, […]
Five directives of Rabbi Groner Z”L/Q&A on Fasting Taanis Bechoros/Erev Pesach Checklist/Eiruv Tavshilin
Five directives of Rabbi Groner Z”L relating to Pesach It feels almost unreal that we have just lost one of the great personalities of this generation. A Chassid with all his fiber and being, who served as the conduit for Jews around the world to receive their responses from the […]
The Seder Checklist
PDF printable checklist Erev Pesach Seder preparation list The leader of the Seder is to review the Hagadah and story of the exodus with the Mefarshim and contemplate the best ways of giving over the information to the participants, each on his level. It is strongly advised for the Seder […]
May one drink tea or coffee, water, and other beverages after Kadesh and during Maggid?
Listen here to audio May one drink tea or coffee, water, and other beverages after Kiddush/Kadesh and during Maggid?[1] Wine and Alcoholic beverages:[2] If one desires to drink a number of cups [of wine and alcoholic beverages], whether immediately after Kiddush or in middle of the Haggadah, prior to beginning […]