Does the prohibition of Tzaar Baalei Chaim apply also against causing pain to humans, or being complicit to it? If one causes pain to another human does he transgress Tzaar Baalei Chaim? Introduction: It is Biblically forbidden to cause pain to any[1] living creature [without a Halachically justifiable reason].[2] The […]
May one do Melacha on Motzei Shabbos before Maariv?
Delaying Melacha until after Maariv:[1] In addition to waiting until three small consecutive stars are visible[2] and saying Havdalah in prayer or saying Baruch Hamavdil[3], every meticulous[4] person is to delay doing any [Biblical[5]] Melacha until the congregation has recited the Seder Kedusha [i.e. the entire paragraph of Veata Kadosh[6]] […]
How many children must one have to fulfill the Mitzvah of having children?
How many children must one have to fulfill the Mitzvah of having children?[1] Biblically: When a man fathers a boy and a girl, he fulfills the Mitzvah of Peru Urevu [as soon as the child is born[2]]. [If he only fathered one gender, either male or female, then he does […]
Sheitel heads and Idol Worship Sculptures, drawings and engravings: [1] The Torah[2] prohibits making a sculpture and engraving certain items which resemble the spiritual legions of Hashem. Some of these items are even forbidden to be drawn. In Halacha A the law of drawing forms in the Madurei Elyon [Celestial legions] will be discussed. […]
Wearing a cotton Tallis Katan
This Halacha is an excerpt from our SeferBuy me on May one wear a cotton Tallis Katan? A. The issues of concern: Wearing a cotton Tallis Katan touches upon two Halachic issues 1) Is the material Biblically obligated in Tzitzis, and hence is one Biblically fulfilling the Mitzvah upon wearing it? […]
May one use a peeler on Shabbos?
May one use a peeler to peel fruits and vegetables on Shabbos?[1] Inedible peels:[2] Those fruits and vegetable which majority of people do not eat together with the peel, and it is rather removed and discarded prior to eating, according to all opinions, it is [Biblically[3]] forbidden to use a […]
Passing between two men/women
Passing between two people of the opposite gender:[1] A [lone[2]] man may not pass in between two women, and a [lone] woman [may not pass] between two men, due to that the evil spirit resides [on the person when he/she does so]. [This especially applies if the woman is a […]
When is the first day of Sheva Brachos?
When is the first day of Sheva Brachos? The Chuppah took place on Sunday before sunset while the meal took place at night. When is the first/last day of Sheva Brachos? Does it start on Sunday and end on Shabbos, or does it start from Monday and end on […]
Eating and Drinking in a Cemetery
Eating and drinking in a cemetery:[1] It is forbidden to eat or drink inside of a cemetery.[2] [This applies throughout the entire cemetery, even if one is a distance of four Amos from the graves, as explained in the Q&A. This applies even if one already said a blessing elsewhere […]
Smelling coffee-Is a blessing of Besamim to be recited
Smelling coffee-Is a blessing of Besamim to be recited?[1] General law of smelling spices and bread: Some Poskim[2] rule that one may not say a blessing on ground pepper and ginger even if he enjoys their smell.[3] Likewise, some Poskim[4] rule that one is not to make a blessing upon […]