Question: [Thursday, 13th Tishreiy 5780] I ordered a Lulav and its leaves were split, including the middle leaf. Is it valid? Answer: If the middle leaf is split then the Lulav is Pasul. However, this only applies on the first day [two days in Dispora] of Sukkos, and therefore […]
Sukkah Decorations-The Custom & Details
Noiy Sukkah-Sukkah decorations: The Custom:[1] It is a widespread and old age custom amongst Jewry to decorate the Sukkah with different fruits, ornaments, and valuables.[2] It is a Mitzvah to do so.[3] This is done to express beautification of the Mitzvah, and it is thus fit to be done and […]
Daled Minim Purchasing Guide
The Lulav The identity of the Lulav: The canary palm: Use of the canary palm Lulav is under debate in the Poskim as to its validity and it is thus not to be used. How to identify a canary: 1. The spine of the canary palm bends when held. 2. […]
The laws & Customs of Sukkos and Daled Minim-Checklist and Summary
The Laws & Customs of Sukkos Summary Edition Checklist The laws of a Kosher Sukkah: Begin building on Motzei Yom Kippur. Complete the entire Sukkah the day after Yom Kippur after Shul Verify the area you desire to build the Sukkah does not contain any obstructions which will hover over […]
Yom Kippur 5781 Covid—19 Directives
Yom Kippur 5781 Covid—19 Directives 1. Kaparos: Those who cannot do Kaparos over a chicken are to do so over a fish, or money. It is to be done on Erev Yom Kippur. One may not break the rules of quarantine or lockdown for the sake of doing […]
Erev Yom Kippur
To browse our database on the Laws of Erev Yom Kippur, See here. To browse our full database on the Laws and Customs of Yom Kippur See here Erev Yom Kippur Kaparos Buy two 24-hour candles. One for the shul for married men and one for the house for Havdala. Davening: […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Giving Tzedaka when saying Tehillim; Doing Kaparos over money before Dawn
Question: [Tuesday, 4th Tishreiy, 5780] Is there an Inyan to give charity prior to saying Tehillim for the sick, or even of the daily Chitas. Answer: Yes. Indeed, the Rebbe requested and encouraged for charity to be given when reciting Tehillim [either before, after or during], whether it be […]
Children fasting on Yom Kippur
Children fasting on Yom Kippur:[1] Below age 9-10-No fasting:[2] Children who are less than nine years old [for a healthy child, and less than ten years old for a weak child] are not to be oppressed on Yom Kippur, being this can lead to danger. [They are to be fed […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Chicken alternatives for Kaparos-Fish, Money, Shliach
Question: [Tuesday, 4th Tishreiy 5780] How should we do Kaparos this year if we can’t do over chickens as normally done due to the Covid 19 restrictions? Answer: There are a few options available, listed here in order of precedence: Appoint a Shliach to do Kaparos on your behalf […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Chabad custom vis a vis avoiding sharp foods on RH and avoiding nuts etc past RH
Question: [Friday, 29th Elul, 5780] What is the Chabad custom vis a vis eating sharp foods on Rosh Hashanah, such as jalapeno peppers, Sechug, Charif, etc? Answer: There is no record in Chabad literature of the custom of avoiding sharp foods on Rosh Hashanah. Likewise, Rav Eli Landa Shlita, […]