Q&A relating to Yom Kippur Question: [Sunday 6th Tishrei 5781] I am not normally accustomed to light a Yizkor candle before holidays, and I believe that this was also the custom of the Rebbe. What about Yom Kippur, should Yizkor candle be lit or not according to our custom? […]
From the Rav’s Desk: When to take the three steps back up in Chazaras Hashatz of RH Davening
Question: [Thursday, 3rd Tishrei, 5782] Normally, we always take the three steps back up after Shemoneh Esrei when the Chazan reaches Kedusha? When should we take the three steps back up on Rosh Hashanah Shacharis and Musaf where Kedusha is not recited until almost an hour later? Answer: Although […]
Fasting if within two years of giving birth
Must a woman fast on a regular fast day [Tzom Gedalia, Asara Beteves, 17th Tamuz] if she is within two years of giving birth? General law by a nursing women:[1] Pregnant and nursing women are exempt from fasting a regular fast day.[2] This applies even if they do not experience […]
Erev Rosh Hashanah Reminders: & Laws; Peruzbal; Visiting Kevarim
Erev Rosh Hashanah The theme of the day: The night before Erev Rosh Hashanah was considered the Wacht Nacht of the High Holidays. “I do not remember that people went to sleep at a normal hour. Each person began his preparations for Erev R”H which introduces the days of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) When should the Rimon be eaten? 2) Hataras Nedarim and Peruzbal for quarantined individual
Question: [Monday, 29th Elul 5781] When should we eat the Rimon? On the first night or second night, and may we eat it before Rosh Hashanah? Answer: The Rimon is to be eaten on the first night of Rosh Hashanah. It may also be eaten before Rosh Hashanah, as there […]
From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Q&A relating to Rosh Hashanah 2) Q&A relating to Shemita
Q&A relating to Rosh Hashanah Question: [Sunday 28th Elul 5781] Should I repeat Shemoneh Esrei on Rosh Hashanah if I accidentally skipped Vichein Ten Pachdecha, but recited Hamelech Hakadosh? Answer: No, you are to simply continue as usual. Explanation: The saying of Vichein Ten Pachdecha is only a custom, […]
Tashlich Part 4-When & How
A. When is it recited? Tashlich is recited after Mincha[1], on the first day of Rosh Hashanah[2], prior to sunset[3]. Q&A on when to recite May one recite Tashlich before Mincha in a time of need?[4] Although the custom is to say Tashlich after Mincha, if one assesses that […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Having a gentile set up the table for the second night of Yom Tov
Question: [Thursday, 25th Elul, 5781] Our Chabad house is hosting a large number of guests for the meals of both nights of Rosh Hashanah. I know in general it is forbidden for us to do any preparation on the first day of Yom Tov on behalf of the second day. […]
Tashlich-Part 3-The Halachic details-Where and who
A. Tashlich-Where to say it: It is customary[1] to go on Rosh Hashanah to a river[2] [or well or spring[3]] to recite Tashlich.[4] Tashlich is to be recited near a river that contains live fish.[5] [See Q&A regarding if a river is not available.] It is best to be recited […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Should one blow Shofar in Elul when one is without a Minyan?
Question: [Wednesday, 17th Elul, 5781] If one is praying without a Minyan is he to blow Shofar after Shacharis? Practically, for example, if I am Davening at home should I blow Shofar after Davening, and should I blow Shofar for my wife and children during Elul? I have heard conflicting […]