Using and practicing Non-conventional medicine-Part 1-Introduction & Talmudic examples

Using and practicing Non-conventional medicine-Part 1-Introduction & Talmudic examples: Introduction: There are various forms of non-conventional medicine or treatments available today.[1] Some people come to the use of alternative medicine out of despair of lack of solutions from medical science for their ailments, or due to a disregard of medical […]

From the Rav’s Desk: 1) Were Shluchim sent in Chodesh Sivan to inform others as to when the new moon was sanctified? 2) What to say first, Havdalah or Kiddush Levana?

Question: [Sunday, 12th Sivan, 5781] I read in the Shulchan Aruch of Admur chapter 600:1 that in times that the new moon was sanctified based on testimony, that messengers were sent in the month of Nissan, Sivan, and Tishreiy to inform the populace as to when the moon was sanctified […]