Walking like a Jew-To walk in a humble manner:[1] A. Koma Zekufa-One’s Posture while walking: One should get up[2] and walk in a manner that his head[3] is [slightly[4]] bent downwards, and not with a straight posture, [and outstretched neck[5]]. It is forbidden to walk with a straight posture for […]
From the Rav’s Desk: The status of a sharp dip that was used with a dairy spoon
Question: [Monday 12th MarCheshvan 5782] I used a dairy spoon to mix Sechug-Charif [a jalapeno dip] may I eat this dip together with meat or during a meat meal? Answer: If the spoon was clean, then the dip remains Pareve, although some are stringent in such a case to […]
Washing hands after cutting ones nails
Washing hands after cutting one’s nails:[1] One who cuts his nails is to wash his hands one[2] time [immediately] afterwards.[3] [This applies whether one cut his hand or toenails[4], and applies whether one cut his nails with a nail cutter or with his teeth.[5] It applies even if he only […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Digging a pit in the ground during Shemita in Israel
Question: [Sunday, 11th Marcheshvan, 5782] I live in Israel and need to make a pit in my yard/garden for the sake of plumbing. May I do so during Shemita? Answer: Yes. All digging for non-agricultural purposes is permitted during Shemita. Sources: See Rambam Shemita Veyovel 1:4; 2:14; Maaseh Rokeiach; Derech […]
The law of Chatzitza by male immersions
The law of Chatzitza by male immersions: Baal Keri: Men are not required to remove a Chatzitza from the body prior to immersion for the purpose of purification from Baal Keri, and so is the custom.[1] [Nevertheless some Poskim[2] are stringent.] However, this only applies if it is found on […]
Parshas Lech Lecha- Summary of the Parsha
This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy now on Amazon.com Parshas Lech Lecha Pesukim: 126 [Siman: נמל”ו] Haftorah: Yeshayahu 40:27-41:16 Number of Mitzvos: There is a total of One Mitzvah in Parshas Lech Licha. There is One positive command and Zero negative commands. The following are […]
Likkutei Sichos-Parshas Lech Lecha-The divine providence found even in sin-Turning your failures and shortcomings into your ladder of growth
Izbitz, Carlabach, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the paradox of Divine providence regarding sins. Explained and analyzed. In this lesson, the question of Hashgacha Pratis versus Bechira Chafshis is discussed. Does a person have free choice to choose good or evil? Can Hasgacha Pratis also apply when we make mistakes […]
Placing Mezuzos on the doors of one’s home before actually moving in
Question: [Thursday 8th Marcheshvan 5782] We are moving homes and the house to we are moving into already contains some Mezuzos on its doors while other doors do not have any Mezuzos for which we have already purchased new Mezuzos. I would like to know if I can place the […]
Repeating Havdalah for the sake of women-May a husband repeat Havdalah for his wife
Repeating Havdalah for the sake of women-May a husband repeat Havdalah for the sake of his wife?[1] A. Background-Are women obligated in Havdalah:[2] It is disputed amongst Poskim as to whether women are obligated in the Mitzvah of Havdalah. First opinion: Some Poskim[3] rule Havdalah is a Biblical obligation of […]
From the Rav’s Desk: Mending clothing while you are wearing them
Question: [Wednesday, 7th Marcheshvan, 5782] Is there any issue with mending clothing while I am wearing them? For example, could someone sew my cuffs while I am wearing the garment? Also, I have heard people say you cannot remove a tag from a garment that you are wearing. Is this […]