How is one to answer Amen to Kaddish if more than one person is saying Kaddish and they are not saying it simultaneously?[1] If they do not conclude the stanzas in Kaddish simultaneously, and there is an interval of Kdei Dibbur between the two conclusions of the blessing, then one […]
Answering Minyan one isn’t part of
Must one answer Amen, and answer to Kaddish and Kedusha of a Minyan that he is not participating in? Not in same room as Minyan: If one is not in the same room as the Minyan and hears Kaddish or Kedusha, some Poskim[1] rule that although he is allowed to […]
Personal Requests by Shema Koleinu Part 2
Personal requests in Shema Koleinu-Part 2 Personal requests in Shema Koleinu:[1] Confessing and then requesting livelihood:[2] It is proper [based on Kabala] for one to confess [his personal sins[3]] in Shomeia Tefila using a singular wording [i.e. Chatasi, Avisi, Pashati[4]] and then request [money for] his sustenance. This applies even […]
Vesein Tal Umatar
Saying Vesein Tal Umatar Levaracha: A. When does one begin saying Vesein Tal Umatar?[1] Eretz Yisrael: Those who live in Eretz Yisrael begin saying Vesein Tal Umatar Levracha starting from Maariv of the 7th of MarCheshvon. Diaspora: Those living in the Diaspora begin saying Vesein Tal Umatar etc on the […]
Mashiv Haruach
Mashiv Haruach Umorid Hageshem: What is the request of Mashiv Haruach?[1] The purpose of the prayer of Mashiv Haruach is not to request for rain. This request only begins in the month of Cheshvon with the request of Vesein Tal Umatar Levracha. It is rather an introductory prayer of appeasement […]
Tachanun after Sukkos
Tachanun:[1] Tachanun is omitted until the beginning of Cheshvon. Tzidkascha is not recited on the Shabbos in between. [1] Siddur Admur; Custom brought in Magen Avraham 669/1; Shaareiy Teshuvah 131/15; Seder Hayom [in end of section regarding Sukkos]; Kneses Hagedola; Peri Chadash 131/6 [entire month of Tishrei]; Chesed Leavraham Mayan […]
Kashrus of juice stands
May one purchase juices without a Hashgacha? A. Freshly squeezed juice stands: One may purchase juices at fruit stands without a Hashgacha so long as the following conditions are met: One is not in Eretz Yisrael, and the fruits used have no reason to be assumed that they come from […]
Saying Brachos after Davening
May the morning blessings be said after Shacharis?[1] If one davened Shacharis prior to reciting the morning blessings he is to recite all[2] the morning blessings after davening. However there is an opinion which states that the blessing of Elokaiy Neshama should not be recited if one already Davened.[3] Practically, […]
Corrected self at end of Bracha
What is the law if one said Zokeif Kefufim and then quickly corrected himself and said Matir Assurim?[1] Intended to say Zokeif Kefufim: If one intended to recite the blessing of Zokeif Kefufim and he indeed concluded with the words Zokeif Kefufim and then quickly corrected himself and said Matir […]
Hearing Brachos from another
Fulfilling ones obligation through hearing the blessings from another person:[1] One does not fulfill his obligation of the morning blessings through hearing them from another person, even if the other person has in mind to fulfill ones obligation. If however one hears the blessings from a Chazan, in the presence […]