How much should one spend in order to enhance Shabbos and what should be part of the Shabbos menu? The foods eaten to fulfill the mitzvah of Oneg Shabbos vary in accordance to each countries definition of a luxurious food. Thus those foods and beverages which are considered delicacies in […]
Shabbos Preparations
Tasting the foods on Erev Shabbos:[1] One is to taste the Shabbos foods on Erev Shabbos [to see if they need anything added to them in order to ensure their tastiness[2]]. [Nevertheless this was not seen to be the custom of the Previous Rebbe.[3]] It is proper to taste […]
Cleaning for Shabbos
Cleaning the house for Shabbos:[1] One is to clean and tidy all matters of his house so that when he comes home from Shul the house is found clean and organized.[2] [The floors are to be swept and cleaned.[3] When cleaning the house for Shabbos one should mention that he […]
Shopping for Shabbos
Shopping for Shabbos: When to go shopping:[1] It is best to purchase foods which require further preparation[2] on Thursday, as opposed to Erev Shabbos.[3] Readymade foods, such as beverages and different readymade desserts and the like, are better to be purchased on Friday. If the store will close and one […]
Shabbos Budgeting
Borrowing money and taking money from charity for the sake of the Shabbos meals: Borrowing money to enhance Shabbos:[1] If one does not have money for Shabbos expenses he is to borrow money if he has an item which is able to be given as collateral to the lender[2].[3] Nonetheless, […]
When to begin preparation
When to begin preparing for shabbos and Rosh Chodesh reminders: When on Erev Shabbos is one to begin the preparations for Shabbos?[1] Begin the preparations in the morning: One is to always wake up early on Erev Shabbos in order to begin working and preparing for the needs of Shabbos in […]
Mitzvah to prepare for Shabbos
A Mitzvah and obligation upon each person:[1] Best to personally perform all the Shabbos preparations: Even if one has many servants he is to endeavor to personally prepare [all[2] or as much as possible of] his Shabbos needs.[3] [This applies even if doing all the Shabbos preparations will come in […]
The reading of Amaleik in Ki Seitzei and Haftorah
The Torah reading of Parshas Ki Seitzei: If one missed Parshas Zachar: If one did not hear the reading of Amaleik on Parshas Zachar he can still fulfill his Biblical obligation through hearing the Torah reading of Amaleik in Parshas Ki Seitzei.[1] [In such a case however one must have […]
Talking between Aliyos
Talking during Kerias Hatorah:[1] Once the reader has begun to read the Torah it is forbidden for the congregants to speak.[2] [Furthermore, some Poskim[3] rule that even prior to the start of the reading, once the Sefer Torah is opened, it is forbidden to speak.] Words of Torah:[4] It is […]
Talking during Kerias Hatorah
Talking during Kerias Hatorah:[1] Once the reader has begun to read the Torah it is forbidden for the congregants to speak.[2] [Furthermore, some Poskim[3] rule that even prior to the start of the reading, once the Sefer Torah is opened, it is forbidden to speak.] The severity of the […]