Waiting between eating meat and milk: A. How much time must one wait?[1] Michaber:[2] Wait 6 hours: One who ate meat, whether meat of a domestic animal, or even meat of a wild animal or poultry[3], must wait 6 hours prior to eating milk products.[4] Rama No need to wait: […]
Reasons behind Basar Bechalav
The reasons for the prohibition of eating milk and meat: Others[1] explain that the true reason behind the prohibition is beyond the understanding of a human, and it is hence deemed as a “Chok”[2] by the Torah. Some[3] explain that eating milk and meat together is forbidden being that it […]
Borer-Removing bad together with good
Laws of Borer Removing the bad/waste together with some of the good/food: The opinion of Admur in the Shulchan Aruch:[1] It is permitted to remove from food which has waste in it, the waste together with some of the food, such as [using a spoon to] remove a fly from […]
Making and undoing hair braids on Shabbos
May one make or undo a hair braid [“Tzama” in Hebrew] on Shabbos?[1] It is [Rabbinically[2]] forbidden for a woman to braid her hair [or another women’s hair or child’s hair] on Shabbos.[3] It is likewise forbidden for her to undo a braid on Shabbos [even if it was made […]
Closing and opening Sefarim with writing on side
Closing and opening books with writing [or designs] on their side pages:[1] Books that have [words or] letters [or designs[2]] written on the top edges of the pages [i.e. the sides of the pages] some Poskim[3] rule it is forbidden to open or close them on Shabbos due to the […]
Making Techina on Shabbos
May one make Techina on Shabbos? Adding water to pure Techina:[1] It is forbidden to make a normal texture of Techina by placing water to pure Techina, if the Techina did not have water mixed into to it before Shabbos.[2] It is however permitted to add a large amount of water […]
Shabbos Tablecloth
Setting the table for Shabbos:[1] Placing a tablecloth on the table: It is customary for there to be a tablecloth spread over one’s [dining[2]] table throughout the entire Shabbos. One may not swerve from this custom.[3] There are those which have the custom to spread two tablecloths over the [dining] […]
Dressing salad on Shabbos
Salting salad on Shabbos:[1] All foods which salt helps to change its natural state[2], [such as] to soften[3] it or harden[4] it or remove its bitterness and other [changes] of the like, which includes all foods which are commonly pickled, may only be salted one piece at a time[5], and […]
Cemetery on Shabbos
Times that one is not to visit a cemetery:[1] One is to avoid visiting a cemetery on Rosh Chodesh[2], Shabbos and Yom Tov.[3] However practically today the custom has become to visit graves on Rosh Chodesh.[4] However one is not to recite the Maaneh Lashon or other lamentations, although he […]
Tehillim Shabbos Mevarchim
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