The detailed commands and prohibitions: Tashbisu-The command to destroy Chametz: The positive command for one to destroy his chametz begins to apply at midday of Erev Pesach. Baal Yiraeh and Baal Yimatzei-The negative command against owning Chametz: The negative command against owning Chametz begins […]
What is Chametz?
Introduction: There are a number of different commands and prohibitions regarding the owning and eating of Chametz on Pesach. There is a positive command to destroy Chametz, two negative commands not to own Chametz, a negative command against eating or benefiting from Chametz, and a Rabbinical command to search one’s […]
Matzah within 30 days
Matzah within 30 days before Pesach: It is our custom to refrain from eating Matzah for thirty days before Pesach, beginning on Purim.[1] [Others[2] have the custom to avoid eating Matzah from Rosh Chodesh Nissan.Others[3] only abstain from eating Matzah from the night before the Seder, which is the night of the 14th.. […]
Thirty days & Play dough
Other matters which begin to apply thirty days before Pesach? It is proper to beware from using Chametz in a way that will be difficult to remove on Erev Pesach.[1] Giving children play dough within thirty days before Pesach: Many varieties of Play dough are made of actual Chametz.[2]The […]
Counted two days
Knowing the day of the count before saying the blessing:[1] Lechatchilah one is not to say the blessing over the Sefirah until he verifies which day of the count it is.[2] In the event that one said the blessing prior to knowing which day of the count it is, he […]
Erev Lag BaOmer
Tachanun: Tachanun is omitted on Lag BaOmer. It is omitted beginning from Mincha of the 17th of Iyar [Erev Lag BaOmer].[1] When do the mourning customs cease? The mourning customs cease to be practiced beginning from the night of Lag BaOmer.[2] One may hence listen to music, get […]
Shehechiyanu during Sefirah
Shehechiyanu during Sefirah Shehechiyanu: It is permitted to recite Shehechiyanu during Sefirah.[1] Nevertheless, many are accustomed to avoid saying Shehechiyanu throughout the entire weekday period of Sefirah, from after Pesach until Erev Shavuos.[2] Practically, so is the Chabad custom.[3] Those which are accustomed to say Shehechiyanu throughout Sefirah may continue […]
Music during Sefirah
Music: It is forbidden to hear music during Sefirah.[1] It is forbidden to listen to music, whether live or recorded.[2] The widespread custom even amongst G-d fearing Jews is to permit listening to cappella[3] music.[4] However there are Poskim[5] that are stringent to prohibit listening to music even of such […]
Counting with a Minyan-Counting before Maariv
May one count before Maariv?[1] It is permitted to count the Sefira before Maariv [after nightfall]. This applies even on Motzei Shabbos, when one extends the Shabbos into the night [until Maariv].[2] Nevertheless it is proper to precede the Davening of Maariv to the counting of the Omer.[3] Is […]
Melacha before counting
Melacha prior to counting:[1] It is accustomed for both men[2] and women to avoid doing work/Melacha during the entire period of Sefiras HaOmer, from the time of sunset until after they have counted the Omer.[3] (Possibly those women which are not accustomed to count the Omer must refrain from work […]