Praying by Gravesite

How to pray by the gravesite: At the grave of a Tzaddik one is to pray to Hashem to answer his prayers in the merit of the Tzaddikim.[1] Likewise one may ask the Tzaddik to intervene on one’s behalf and pray to G-d for the matters which he needs.[2] Some […]

Closing up a window or door

Closing up a window or door:[1] One may not completely [and permanently[2]] close off a window or door, being that demons use openings to enter and exit and hence can lead to danger. Rather one must leave a small hole in the area. [The custom is to place a hollow […]

Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch

Historical background:[1] The Shulchan Aruch Harav, also known as the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, or Shulchan Aruch Admur Hazakein; was written by Rav Schneur Zalman of Liadi. Its initiation: The Maggid of Mezritch was encouraged by the heavenly courts to search amongst his students for a proper candidate to compile […]

Practical Halacha

The importance of learning practical Halacha: Ruling of Shulchan Aruch:[1] In the laws of Talmud Torah the following ruling is given: The learning of practical Halacha takes precedence over other fields of Torah study. Only after one is clearly well versed in practical Halacha and knows the detailed laws relevant […]

Sefarim in bathroom

May one enter Sefarim into a bathroom?[1] It is forbidden to enter revealed Sefarim or Tefillin into a bathroom due to it being a belittlement to the Sefarim. If the Sefarim are covered then at times it is allowed to enter the Sefer into the bathroom. This depends on whether […]

Order of Sefarim

Placing sefarim on top of each other:[1] It is permitted to place a Chumash on top of Nevim or Kesuvim. However one may not place a Nevim or Kesuvim on top of a Chumash, and one may not place a Chumash on top of a Sefer Torah.[2] One may place […]

Bayis Malei Sefarim

Bayis Malei Sefarim: It is a Mitzvah to publish [and purchase] Chumashim, Mishnah, Gemara and their commentaries.[1] Some Poskim[2] rule that this Mitzvah is a positive Biblical command, and is in place of the Mitzvah of purchasing a Sefer Torah. [This Mitzvah is fulfilled through writing or purchasing all Torah Sefarim and […]

Mondays & Wednesdays

Starting a new activity on Mondays and Wednesdays:[1] It is accustomed not to begin a new activity on Mondays and Wednesdays.[2] [Some[3] rule that this only applies for mundane matters and not for matters that involve a Mitzvah. Practically so is the custom.[4] One may thus get married on Mondays […]

Moving Houses

Moving houses:[1] One should refrain from moving houses until the 15th of Av if it is possible for one to do so.[2] [1] Igros Kodesh 9/228 [brought in Shulchan Menachem 3 p. 48; Sha’arei Halacha Uminhag 2/225]; Not found in other Poskim. [2] The reason: Seemingly the reason for this […]