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Must one immerse plastic vessels in a Mikveh?
Do plastic vessels require Tevila?[1] Some Poskim[2] rule plastic vessels require immersion without a blessing.[3] Other Poskim[4] however rule that it does not require immersion.[5] Practically, many are accustomed to not immerse plastic vessels.[6] Others however are accustomed to immerse them without a blessing.[7] [1] See Hakashrus 4/25; Ohel […]
Washing hands for bread/morning if one’s hand is bandaged
May one wash hands for bread with a Band-Aid/bandage?[1] One who has an injury on his hand and a bandage that is covering it, may wash his hands [with a blessing] without removing the bandage[2] if he is unable to remove it due to the pain of the injury.[3] […]
Using someone’s item without permission
Using someone’s item without permission:[1] It is forbidden for one to use an item that belongs to one’s friend without his permission.[2] This applies even if one only plans to use it on a mere occasion.[3] It is thus forbidden for one to visit his friend’s house in order […]
Beged Isha/Ish when no intent to cross-dress
Beged Isha/Ish when no intent to cross-dress You’re out for a walk with your spose or daughter and she is cold. You are wearing a men’s jacket and don’t mind giving it to her to wear. Is it permitted to do so, or does it involve the prohibition of Beged […]
Tznius Stockings-skin color and Denier #
What is defined as Tznius Stockings-skin color and Denier #? Women wearing socks: According to majority of Poskim, and the ruling of Admur, women and girls are required to cover their legs and feet with socks/stockings when out in public or in the presence of other men. Even those who […]
Bayis Malei Sefarim
Bayis Malei Sefarim-Purchasing Torah literature:[1] It is a Mitzvah [and obligation[2]] to publish [and purchase[3]] Chumashim, Mishnah, Gemara and their commentaries.[4] Some Poskim[5] rule that today this Mitzvah is a positive Biblical command, and is in place of the Mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah.[6] [The purpose of this Mitzvah […]
A Chasan leaving home during first year
Traveling from home during the first year:[1] The Torah[2] states that “When one marries a new wife he is not to go to the warfront or do other matters and is to be available to his house for one year and rejoice his wife that he took.” From here we […]
When may a widow or divorcee remarry
Todays Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy Here How long must a widow or divorcee wait to remarry? A. Not pregnant and not after birth:[1] All widows and divorcee’s must wait 90 days from after the divorce, or death of the husband, prior to remarrying [Kiddushin/Nissuin].[2] This applies even […]
Stopping a shoplifter-Preventing monetary damage
Preventing monetary damage from occurring to a friend:[1] If one is able to save his friend from a possible monetary loss, he is obligated to exert as much effort possible, with all his bodily strength, to try to prevent the loss.[2] Doing so is a positive command and is included […]