Checklist upon visiting a gravesite: One is not to eat any food prior to visiting a grave site. Nevertheless one is to be particular to drink before visiting. One who is impure due to nocturnal emission [Keri], or any release of seed, may not visit a cemetery until he […]
The Rebbe’s custom by the Ohel
The Rebbe’s customs upon visiting the Ohel:[1] Non-leather shoes: The Rebbe would wear non-Leather shoes to the Ohel, similar to the shoes worn on Tishe Beav and Yom Kippur. Knocking on the door: The Rebbe would knock on the door of the Ohel twice prior to entering, symbolizing asking permission […]
Sparks of Kabala
The benefits of visiting the resting place of Tzaddikim: One who prays by the gravesite of a person arouses the soul of that person in heaven to ask for mercy on one’s behalf. [1] The dead are made aware of what occurs below by being visited and are saddened to […]
Visiting a cemetery during Nidda
May a woman visit a cemetery when she is a Nidah?[1] It is customary for women to avoid visiting a cemetery during the days that they are a Nidah.[2] Some Poskim[3] rule this applies even during the seven clean days, until she immerses in a Mikveh. Others[4] rule it only […]
Pregnant women entering cemetery
This Halacha is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me here or on May a pregnant woman visit a cemetery?[1] From the letter of the law, it is permitted for a pregnant woman to enter a cemetery.[2] However, many women are accustomed not to visit a cemetery when they are pregnant.[3] Those […]
May Kohanim visit Kivreiy Tzaddikim?[1] Many Poskim[2] rule it is forbidden for Kohanim to visit the gravesite of Tzaddikim.[3] Nevertheless many Kohanim are lenient in this, especially with regards to visiting their Rebbe’s Kever.[4] Practically a Kohen may not to be lenient in this[5] and so is the vintage Chabad […]
The customs upon leaving
Washing the hands after leaving a cemetery: One who walks amongst graves [i.e. cemetery[1]] is required to wash his hands [immediately[2]] afterwards [being that the evil spirits escorts the person until he washes[3]]. Although from the letter of the law washing one time suffices, the custom is to wash ones […]
Times and dates for visiting a cemetery
Auspicious times of visiting a cemetery during the year:[1] It is an auspicious time to visit the gravesite of Tzaddikim on Erev Rosh Hashana, Erev Rosh Chodesh and on the 15th of the month. These are the main times that one is to visit the tomb of Tzaddikim. Times […]
Customs applicable upon visiting a gravesite
Encircling the grave:[1] Many have the custom of encircling the grave.[2] The Rebbe would circle the grave one time prior to leaving. Taking off the shoes: As a sign of respect it is accustomed to remove the shoes prior to entering into the Rebbe’s Ohel. Placing a hand […]
Covering Tzitzis
Covering the Tzitzis:[1] One may not enter a cemetery with Tzitzis that are revealed to the open.[2] This applies both to a Tallis Gadol and a Tallis Katan.[3] If however the Tzitzis are covered and are hence not apparent at all then doing so is permitted. [Thus one is to […]