Bris Milah and Pidyon Haben

  Making a Bris Milah on the 10th of Teves:[1] The Baal Bris [father of the child, Mohel and Sandak[2]] are all required to fast the entire day even though the Bris is taking place that day. Thus the Seudas Mitzvah is to take place only after the fast.   […]

General laws

  General laws applicable on fast days: Rinsing the mouth:[1] On a public fast day one does not rinse his mouth in the morning. [If however this is causing one discomfort he may be lenient to rinse his mouth.[2]]   Q&A May one brush ones teeth on a fast day?[3] […]

The Davening

The Davening: A. Selichos: The Chabad custom is to recite the Selichos within Tachanun[1], after Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis.[2] It is customarily recited while standing.[3] This especially applies for the 13 attributes and Shema Koleinu. The Chabad custom is to omit the saying of Ashamnu within Selichos when it is […]

Exempt from fasting

Those exempt from the fast:[1] A. Sick or weak: One who is sick is exempt from fasting. This applies even if there is no danger involved in his illness.[2] It is forbidden for him to be stringent.[3] One who is old or weak is not required to fast if he […]

Keil Erech Apayim on Fast day

Is the prayer of Keil Erech Apayim recited on a fast day before removing the Torah from the Aron: The prayer of Keil Erech Apayim is recited on Mondays and Thursdays prior to taking out the Sefer Torah.[1] Some[2] are accustomed to recite Keil Erech Apayim prior to Kerias Hatorah […]

When does the fast begin?

When does the fast begin? The fast begins at Alos Hashachar of the day of the 10th of Teves. This is approximately two fluctuating[1] hours prior to sunrise.[2] Thus even if one was awake the entire night, he must stop eating and drinking two fluctuating hours before sunrise. One who […]

Tenth of Teves

10th of Teves:[1] The 10th of Teves is a public fast day. One is required to fast on this day due to the tragedies that occurred during this time.[2] [This fast is mentioned explicitly in scripture [Zecharia 8] as the “Tenth fast”. The Tenth fast refers to the fast of […]

Davening or Bentching when drunk

This article is an excerpt from our Sefer Buy me on May one Daven Maariv or Bentch if he is drunk?[1] A. Blessings on foods:[2] All blessings over foods may be recited even if one is very drunk, to the point he cannot speak before a king.[3]   B. Reciting Birchas […]