Shacharis on Yom Kippur

Shacharis: A. The morning blessings:[1] One does not recite the blessing of “Sheasa Li Kol Tzarki” on Yom Kippur.[2] [One only resumes saying it the next day.[3]]    B. The reading of the Torah:[4] How many scrolls are removed? Two Sifrei Torah are removed from the Ark for the Torah […]

Checklist For Yom Kippur Day

Reminders for Yom Kippur day: One is to wash his hands until the knuckle upon awakening. One does not recite Sheasa Li Kol Tzarki. In Kerias Hatorah one should be distressed over the death of sons of Aharon Ein Kelokeinu and Aleinu are not recited after Musaf Shemoneh Esrei. Ashrei/Uva […]

Birchas Habanim on Yom Kippur

Birchas Habanim: Blessing ones children prior to leaving for Shul:[1] On Erev Yom Kippur, after the Seudas Hamafsekes[2] but prior to leaving to Shul for Kol Nidrei[3], it is accustomed for parents to bless their children [with the priestly blessing of “Yivarechicha Hashem Veyishmirecha”[4]]. They should cry to Hashem that their […]

Two days of Yom Kippur

Two-day Yom Kippur:[1] Some [in the Diaspora] are stringent to keep two days of Yom Kippur. This has the status of a vow. Practically, it is not proper to do so.[2] ____________________ [1] Admur 624/10 [2] The reason why we do not need to keep two days of Yom Kippur:  […]

Tachanun on Yom Kippur

Tachanun on Yom Kippur:[1] Tachanun is omitted on Yom Kippur. Hence, the Tachanun and Al Cheit[2] is omitted from Kerias Shema Sheal Hamita and the Ribono Shel Olam and Elokeinu Velokei Avoseinu is omitted from Karbanos. ________________________ [1] Shaareiy Halacha Uminhag 2/258 [2] The Rebbe Rayatz stated that “Al Cheit” […]

Children on Yom Kippur

Children:[1] A. Leather Shoes:[2] One may not place leather shoes on a child even if the child is below the age of education.[3] Certainly it is forbidden to do so if the child is above the age of education.[4] If one’s child wore the shoes on his own, then if […]

Marital relations on Yom Kippur

Marital relations:[1] Marital relations is forbidden on Yom Kippur. Harchakos:  All the laws of Harchakos that apply when ones wife is in the state of Niddah apply equally throughout the entire[2] duration of Yom Kippur even if ones wife is pure. This is a safeguard to avoid marital relations. Speaking […]

Asking forgiveness on Erev Yom Kippur

Asking forgiveness: Yom Kippur does not atone for sins between man and his fellow. Therefore, if one wronged someone, even in words, he must make amends prior to Yom Kippur.[1]  A. How to ask for forgiveness: In front of three:[2] One should ask forgiveness from the person he offended in […]

Candle Lighting on Erev Yom Kippur

Candle Lighting: A. The Mitzvah to light candles:[1] On every Shabbos and Holiday there is a command to honor the day through eating a festive meal. Now, being that we cannot honor Yom Kippur through eating, due to the commanded fast, therefore, the Torah commanded us [in its stead] to […]