Men touching the pubic area

Men touching the pubic area:[1] It is forbidden for an unmarried man to place his hands by his private area[2], lest he bring himself to evil thoughts. [This prohibition refers to the actual Eiver and not to the entire pubic area.[3]] He should not place his hand even below his […]

Cross dressing for plays and for fun

Cross dressing out of jest and fun/Purim/Chasana:[1] It is accustomed on Purim [and by Chasunas[2]] to allow males to wear the clothing of females and vice versa.[3] [However many Poskim[4] challenge this custom[5] and thus practically one is not to do so. Some write it is to be avoided even […]

Hitting one’s children

Hitting one’s children:[1] Small children: It is permitted for one to hit his small children for disciplinary measures. This applies even to [non-biological] children that are part of one’s household, such as an [adopted] orphan [or foster child].[2] Adult children? It is forbidden for one to hit his adult children […]

Shemira before the wedding

Shemira before the wedding:[1] The Chasan and Kalah are not to go out alone for several days[2] prior to the wedding.[3] [Practically, many are accustomed to follow this practice one week before the wedding. Others begin to follow it the Shabbos before the wedding and others from when they arrive […]