Forgot to say Bracha – What to do if one forgot and ate without reciting a blessing:[1] If one forgot to say a blessing prior to eating the food and has already swallowed the food, then since it is disputed amongst the Poskim as to whether a blessing should still […]
Is a Bracha to be recited when eating an unhealthy food, or any food forbidden due to health reasons
Machalei Sakana – Blessing on foods forbidden due to danger:[1] A blessing is not to be recited over foods which are forbidden to be eaten due to danger. This applies whether the food was prohibited by the Sages due to danger [i.e. fish and meat mixture], or is personally forbidden […]
Is a Bracha to be recited when eating a non-Kosher food
Blessing over Non-Kosher food:[1] A blessing is not to be recited upon eating non Kosher foods or any food that is forbidden in consumption, whether Biblically or Rabbinically. [Practically, this applies even if the food was eaten Beshogeg, nevertheless an after blessing is not to be recited.[2] However, some Poskim[3] […]
Blessing on medicine – Is a Bracha recited when taking medicine or vitamins
A. Medicinal foods, Medicine, Vitamins – Is a blessing to be recited?[1] Chewable and good taste: All [medicines, vitamins, and] foods or drinks which are consumed for medicinal [or health] purposes, if they contain a sweet taste [and are chewed[2]] and ones mouth thus benefits from them, then one is […]
Blessing on inedibles, forbidden foods, forced feeding
Blessing on inedibles, forbidden foods, forced feeding: Medicinal foods, Medicine, Vitamins – Is a blessing to be recited?[1] Chewable and good taste: All [medicines, vitamins, and] foods or drinks which are consumed for medicinal [or health] purposes, if they contain a sweet taste [and are chewed[2]] and ones mouth thus […]
The world of Atzilus versus Biyah
The world of Atzilus versus Biyah:[1] The world of Atzilus is considered to be called by G-d’s name, as it is in this world that the infinite light of G-d actually resides. The infinite light of G-d unites with that world with absolute unity in both its light and vessels. […]
The purpose of the descent of the soul below – Elevate sparks and draw down inifinity
The purpose of the descent of the soul below:[1] It is known that the purpose of the descent of the soul below into the body in this world is in order to refine and elevate the Divine sparks, through the fulfillment of Torah and Mitzvah’s in which is invested the […]
The new heaven and earth, Ratzo and Shuv, of the future era
E. The new heaven and earth, Ratzo and Shuv, of the future era:[1] The verse states that in the future era we will have a new heaven and new earth. Figuratively, this means that in the future era there will be a new form of heaven and earth as found […]
Spiritual idol worship – Placing one’s focus on materialism
Spiritual idol worship – placing one’s focus on materialism:[1] The sages state that the Jewish people who live in the Diaspora are considered to be serving idols in purity [i.e. in a legally permitted way]. This means as follows: When one completely diverges himself from desire and passion for spirituality […]
The state of concealment of the G-dly soul when it is within the body
The state of concealment of the G-dly soul when it is within the body:[1] Although the G-dly soul contains a deep passion and desire to cleave to G-d, this is only consciously constantly felt in its root, which is the level of the soul that exists prior to its descent […]