Bracha on Esrog

Esrog:[1] Esrogim that are only mildly sour and are thus edible receive the blessing of Shehakol.[2] Esrogim that are very sour to the point of inedibility do not receive a blessing at all prior to consumption.[3] Esrog peel: The raw peel of an Esrog which is edible receives the blessing […]

Bracha on Lemons

C. Lemons:[1] Lemons that are only mildly sour and are thus edible receive the blessing of Shehakol.[2] Lemons that are very sour to the point of inedibility do not receive a blessing at all prior to consumption.[3] Lemon peel:[4] The peel of a lemon which is edible receives the blessing […]

Bracha on Bananas

I. Bananas:[1] The banana tree loses its branches and trunk yearly[2], and hence some Poskim[3] learn that its blessing is under the debate between the first, versus the second and third opinion above. Therefore, the blessing on bananas is Hadama, although Bedieved if one recited Haietz he is Yotzei. However, […]

Bracha on Sabras Prickly pear fruit or cactus fruit

Sabras Prickly pear fruit or cactus fruit:[1] Sabras, known in English as prickly pear fruit or cactus fruit, are Haeitz, as although they grow in the wild, they are a good tasting fruit. __________________________________________________________ [1] Admur 203:1; Birkeiy Yosef 202:1; Kaf Hachaim 203:6; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:17; Kerem Tziyon 6:8; Shevet […]

Bracha on Licorice [plant and root]

Licorice [plant]:[1] Licorice is a root and can be eaten plain[2], and hence its blessing is Ha’adama [and not Haeitz] when eaten and swallowed. [However, when simply sucked for its juice and spat out, its blessing is Shehakol.[3]] _____________________________________________ [1] Admur 203:4; Luach 9:8; Ateres Zekeinim 202:16; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:14 […]

Bracha on Nutmeg

Nutmeg:[1] Nutmeg is commonly eaten even dry, and hence its blessing is Haeitz. [Seemingly, this only applied in previous times, however in today’s times it is no longer common to eat raw nutmeg[2], and it is only used as a secondary flavoring other foods similar to a spice.[3] Accordingly, no […]

Bracha on Pistachios – Raw and Roasted

Pistachio: Both raw and roasted pistachios are Haietz, as they are edible both raw and roasted.[1] _____________________________________________ [1] Both raw and roasted pistachios are widely available on the market. Raw Pistachios are sold either shelled (without the shell) or unshelled (with the shell on). These are usually found in the […]

Bracha on Cinnamon

Cinnamon:[1] Cinnamon is Ha’adama, as it grows on the ground like other canes[2] and it is common to eat plain when dry. _______________________________________ [1] Seder 6:19; Luach 9:8; Admur 203:4; Michaber 202:17; Tosafus Barchos 36b; Rosh Brachos 6:6; Mordechai Barchos Remez 118; Ketzos Hashulchan 49:14; Piskeiy Teshuvos 203:35 and footnote […]