Chapter 18: A drought and the showdown by Mt. Carmel
1. Hashem tells Eliyahu to tell Achav that he will provide rain:
- After many days, in the third year [of drought[1]], Hashem told Eliyahu to go and appear to Achav and tell him that “I will give rain upon the earth.” So, Eliyahu went to appear before Achav. Now the famine was severe in the Shomron.
- Ovadia, the G-d fearing servant of Achav:
- Achav summoned Ovadia, who was the minister in charge of the kings palace, to travel with him. Ovadia was a great G-d fearing Jew.
- Izevel kills all the prophets except for 100 who were saved by Ovadia: When Izevel annihilated all of the prophets of Hashem, Ovadia took one hundred prophets and hid them fifty men each in a cave, and he nourished them there with bread and water.
- Achav sends Ovadia to search for food: Achav said to Ovadia, “Go travel throughout the land to all the wells and channels of water as perhaps we will find grass, and be able to save the lives of the horses and mules, and not lose all our beasts to hunger.”
- Achav and Ovadia go in two different directions: They divided the land amongst themselves for the search for water, with Achav going by himself in one direction and Ovadia going by himself in another direction.
- Ovadia meats Eliyahu:
- When Ovadia was on the road he saw Eliyahu coming towards him. He recognized him and fell on his face, and said, “Is this you, my master, Eliyahu?” Eliyahu replied to him that indeed it is him.
- Eliyahu instructs Ovadia to tell Achav of his arrival: Eliyahu told Ovadia, “Go and tell your master that Eliyahu is coming.”
- Ovadia pushes back against the instructions: However, Ovadia pushed back saying, “What have I sinned that you have delivered your servant into the hands of Achav to kill me? I swear by Hashem that there is no nation or kingdom where my master Achav has not sent a messenger to search for you, and they have all replied under oath that they do not know of your whereabouts. How then can you now tell me to tell my master Achav that Eliyahu is here. As soon as I leave from here, Hashem may send you away with a wind to an unknown area, and when I will come to tell Achav where I met you, and he will not find you, then he will kill me. Now, I your servant fear Hashem from my young days. Surely you have heard of what I did when Izevel killed all the prophets of Hashem. I hid one hundred prophets in caves, 50 in each cave, and provided them with bread and water. If I go tell Achav that you are here he will kill me [and there will be no one to provide food for the prophets[2]].”
- Eliyahu reassures Ovadia of his safety: Eliyahu swore by the name of Hashem that he will appear to Achav today [and that therefore he has nothing to worry].
[1] Radak 18:1
[2] Metzudos Dovid 18:14
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