1. The reign of Omri:
- His years of reign: Omri became king in the thirty-first year of reign of Asa the king of Judah. Omri ruled over Israel for twelve years [five years under the split kingdom, and seven years with a united kingdom[1]]. In the city of Tirzah [which was the capitol prior to Shomron[2]], he ruled for six years [and then built the city of Shomron and moved his capitol to there].
- His purchase and construction of the city Shomron: Omri bought the mountain of Shomron from Shemer for two Kikar of silver. He built up the mountain and called the name of the city which he built “Shomron.” It was named after Shemer, who was the original owner of the mountain.
- His sins: Omri sinned against Hashem, following all the sins of Yeravam, and was even more wicked than all those who preceded him. He caused Israel to sin and anger G-d with their false G-ds.
- His chronicles: The remainder of the actions of Omri and his accomplishments are written in the book of Chronicles of the kings of Israel.
- His death: Omri died and was buried in Shomron.
- Achav, the successor of Omri: Achav, the son of Omri, ruled after him.
2. The reign of Achav, son of Omri:
- His years of reign: Now Achav the son of Omri ruled over Israel, in the thirty-eighth year of Asa, king of Judah, and Achav the son of Omri ruled over Israel in Samaria twenty-two years.
- His sins: Achav sinned before Hashem more than all those who preceded him. It was very light in his eyes to sin and follow in the ways of Yeravam, the son of Nevat.
- His marriage to Izevel: Achav took as a wife Izevel, the daughter of Etbaal, who was the king of the Tzidonim.
- Worshipping the Baal: Achav went and worshipped the Baal and prostrated himself to him. He erected an altar for the Baal in the house of Baal which he had built in the Shomron.
- Worshipping an Asheira: Achav made an Asherah tree [i.e. a tree for worship].
- Achav angered Hashem more than all the other kings of Israel who had preceded him.
3. The city of Yericho is rebuilt:
- In the times of Achav, Chiel the Bethelite built Yericho. [When he first built] the foundations,] his firstborn son Aviram [died], and when he set up its gates, his youngest son Seguv [died[3]], following the curse that Hashem had spoken to Yehoshua Ben Nun [that whoever would rebuild Yericho would burry all of his sons].
[1] Rashi 16:23
[2] Rashi 16:23
[3] Rashi 16:34
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