Daily Chumash Sunday, Bo: Plague of Locust


Parshas Bo

Pesukim: 105 [Siman: ימנה]

Haftorah: Yermiyahu 46:13-28



Number of Mitzvos:

There are a total of Twenty Mitzvos in Parshas Bo. Nine positive commands and eleven negative commands.


A. Positive commands:

1.      Mitzvah 4/Positive 3: To sanctify the new moon.

2.      Mitzvah 5/Positive 4: To slaughter the Pesach offering on the 14th of Nissan.

3.      Mitzvah 6/Positive 5: To eat the meat of the Korban Pesach on the night of the 15th.

4.      Mitzvah 9/Positive 6: To destroy Chametz on the 14th day of Nissan.

5.      Mitzvah 10/Positive 7: To eat Matzah the night of the 15th.

6.      Mitzvah 18/Positive 8: To sanctify the firstborn son and animal towards G-d.

7.      Mitzvah 21/Positive 9: To tell over the story of the exodus on the night of the 15th.

8.      Mitzvah 22/Positive 10: To redeem the firstborn male donkey.

9.      Mitzvah 23/Positive 11: To break the neck of the first-born donkey if it is not redeemed.


B. Negative commands:

1.      Mitzvah 7/Negative 2: Not to eat the Pesach lamb raw or cooked, but only roasted.

2.      Mitzvah 8/Negative 3: Not to leave leftovers of the Pesach lamb.

3.      Mitzvah 11/Negative 4: To not have Chametz found [i.e. own] throughout all seven days of Pesach.

4.      Mitzvah 12/Negative 5: Not to eat a food that contains Chametz [i.e. Taaruvos Chametz].[1]

5.      Mitzvah 13/Negative 6: Not to feed the meat of the Pesach sacrifice to a heretic Jew.

6.      Mitzvah 14/Negative 7: Not to feed the Pesach lamb to a gentile [even] if he is a Toshev Vesachir.

7.      Mitzvah 15/Negative 8: Not to remove the meat of the Pesach offering from the Chaburah [i.e. group of people that it is being eaten with].

8.      Mitzvah 16/Negative 9: Not to break a bone from the Pesach sacrifice.

9.      Mitzvah 17/Negative 10: That an Aral [i.e. uncircumcised Jew] not eat from the meat of the Pesach offering.

10.  Mitzvah 19/Negative 11: Not to eat Chametz on Pesach.

11.  Mitzvah 20/Negative 12: Not to see [i.e. own] Chametz all the seven days of Pesach.



  1. Plague of locust:
    • Hashem commands Moshe to approach Pharaoh: Hashem commanded Moshe to approach Pharaoh, as He has made his heart, and the heart of his servants, stubborn, in order to publicize His miracles amongst them. “In order for the Jewish people to tell over to their children about the plagues that occurred in Egypt, and the miracles that I performed, and so you will know that I am G-d.”
    • Moshe warns Pharaoh of the upcoming plague: Moshe and Aaron approached Pharaoh and related to him “So said G-d, the G-d of the Jewish people: Until when will you refuse to answer my requests? Let my people go free so they can serve me. If you continue refusing to send my people, tomorrow I will bring locust into your country.” The locust will cover the earth until the point that the earth will not be seen. They will eat all the leftover produce that remained after the plague of hail. They will fill your homes and the homes of all Egyptians, as you have never seen before. Moshe and Aaron then left Pharaoh’s presence.
    • Pharaoh initially agrees to send out the Jewish people and then retracts: The servants of Pharaoh said to him “Until when will this matter be a source of suffering for us. Send the people so they can serve Hashem, as do you not know that Egypt is in ruins?” Pharaoh summoned Moshe and Aaron to return and said to them “Go serve your G-d. Who will be going?” Moshe replied, “We will leave with our lads, and elders, our sons and daughters, our sheep and cattle, as it is a festival for G-d.” Pharaoh replied to them “Let G-d be with you if I were to send you and your children, as I see evil coming towards you. This is not how it should be. The men shall go and serve Hashem, as that is your request.” Pharaoh then had Moshe and Aaron banished from his presence.


[1] Listed by Rambam, Chinuch, Admur, however not by Ramban. See Chinuch ibid

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