Daily Chumash Matos/Maaseiy Wednesday – The Travels of Bnei Yisrael

*The article below is an excerpt from the above Sefer

*As an Amazon Associate I earn from  qualifying purchases.

Revi’i when combined with Maasei

  • Moshe replied that if they fulfill these conditions then he agrees to give them the land. Moshe told over the above agreement to Elazar and Yehoshua and the heads of the tribes.
  • The land is given: Moshe then gave Bnei Gad, Bnei Reuvein and half of Menashe a portion in the area past the Yarden, the land of Og and Sichon. Bnei Gad and Reuvein built cities there.
  • The sons of Machir, from the tribe of Menashe, waged war against the Emorite city of Gilead and captured it. Moshe consequently granted the city to Machir.
  • Yair the son of Menashe captured other cities, which he named “villages of Yair.” Novach captured Kenas and named it in his name, Novach.
  1. The Travels of Bnei Yisrael:
    • These are the travels of the Jewish people from Egypt, under the leadership of Moshe and Aaron. Moshe wrote of the travels of Bnei Yisrael.
    • On the 15th of the 1st month, Bnei Yisrael left Ramseis/Egypt in the presence of all the Egyptians. The Egyptians were busy burying their dead while the Jews were leaving. G-d also punished their gods during this time.
    • Next, they traveled to Sukkos.
    • Next, they traveled to Eisam in the edge of the desert.
    • Next, they traveled to Pi Hachiros.
    • Next, they traveled a journey of three days to Marah.
    • Next, they traveled to Elim which had 12 fountains of water and 70 date palms.
    • Next, they traveled to Yam Suf.


  • Next, they traveled to Midbar Sin.
  • Next, they traveled to Dophkah.
  • Next, they traveled to Alush.
  • Next, they traveled to Rephidim, and there was no water to drink.
  • Next, they traveled to Midbar Sinai.
  • Next, they traveled to Kivros Hataavah.
  • Next, they traveled to Chatzeros.
  • Next, they traveled to Rithmah.
  • Next, they traveled to Rimmon Peretz.
  • Next, they traveled to Livnah.
  • Next, they traveled to Rissah.
  • Next, they traveled to Kehelasah.
  • Next, they traveled to Har Shafer.
  • Next, they traveled to Charadah.
  • Next, they traveled to Makhelos.
  • Next, they traveled to Tachas.
  • Next, they traveled to Terach.
  • Next, they traveled to Mithkah.
  • Next, they traveled to Chashmonah.
  • Next, they traveled to Moseiros.
  • Next, they traveled to Benei Yaakan.
  • Next, they traveled to Chor Hagidgad.
  • Next, they traveled to Yatvasah.
  • Next, they traveled to Avronah.
  • Next, they traveled to Etzion Gaver.
  • Next, they traveled to Kadesh-Midbar Tzin.
  • Next, they traveled to Har Hahor, which is at the end of the land of Edom.
  • The death of Aaron: Aaron ascended Har Hahor and passed away in the 40th year on the first of the 5th Aaron was 123 years old at his death. The king of Arad from Canaan heard of Aarons death.
  • Next, they traveled to Tzalmonah.
  • Next, they traveled to Punon.
  • Next, they traveled to Ovos.
  • Next, they traveled to Iyei Haavarim on the border of Moav.
  • Next, they traveled to Divon Gad.
  • Next, they traveled to Almon Divlasaimah.
  • Next, they traveled to Harei Haavarim.
  • Next, they traveled to Arvos Moav, by the Yarden at Yericho. They encamped by the Yarden from Beit Hayeshimos until Avel Shittim

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