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What to do if one’s Tallis fell off during Shemoneh Esrei:[1]
If one was in the midst of Shemoneh Esrei and his Tallis partially fell off, then one may return the Tallis to its position.[2] This applies even if majority of the Tallis fell off.[3] If his Tallis completely fell off, he may not re-wear the Tallis in middle of Shemoneh Esrei.[4] He is rather to re-wear the Tallis after Shemoneh Esrei with a blessing.[5] If however one is bothered by the fact that he is not wearing his Tallis, and is hence unable to concentrate, then he may re-wear it during Shemoneh Esrei without a blessing.[6] [However, he should finish the blessing he is currently holding in prior to re-wearing it.[7]] In such a case [that the Tallis completely fell off and was re-worn during Shemoneh Esrei], after Shemoneh Esrei he is to shake the Tzitzis and repeat the blessing.[8] Likewise, in the event that another person placed the Tallis back on him during Shemoneh Esrei[9], after Shemoneh Esrei he is to shake the Tallis and recite the blessing.[10] This same law likewise applies if the Tallis fell off between Goal Yisrael and Shemoneh Esrei.[11]
__________________________________________________[1] Admur 8:29 “A person who was in the midst of Davening Shemoneh Esrei and his Tallis fell from upon him, and other people put the Tallis back onto him, then after his prayer he should shake his Tzitzis and recite the blessing”; Admur 97:4 “If a person’s Tallis has moved from its place in middle [of Davening Shemoneh Esrei] that one is able to move it and return it even if majority of it fell off. However, if the entire Tallis fell off then he may not return and wear it due to it being an interval. (Unless one is disturbed by this and is not able to concentrate)”; Michaber 97:4; Beis Yosef 97; Tur 97; Rebbe in Brachos 24b as explains Rabbeinu Chananel; Tosafus Brachos ibid Mimashmeish; Rabbeinu Yona Brachos 15b; Rosh 39; Ketzos Hashulchan 20:8
[2] Admur ibid; Michaber ibid; Rishonim ibid
[3] Admur 97:4; M”A 97:8
[4] Admur ibid; Michaber ibid; Rishonim ibid
The reason: As re-wearing it during Shemoneh Esrei is considered an interval. [ibid]
[5] See Admur 8:20 and 29
[6] Admur 97:4 in parentheses; Based on M”A 96:3; This ruling is recorded in Ketzos Hashulchan 20:8 as conclusive
[7] Ketzos Hashulchan ibid
[8] Admur 8:29; Ketzos Hashulchan ibid
The reason why one is not required to remove the Tzitzis and re-wear it for the blessing: One who shakes the Tzitzis is considered like one who is wearing it anew. [Admur 18:7 and 8:20 and 29; 30:3 regarding Tefillin]
Other opinions: Some Poskim rule that one is to remove the Tallis completely and then perform Atifas Yishmaelim with a blessing as usually done when wearing it for the first time. [Mordechai in Hilchos Tefillin; Mateh Efraim 581:14; Kaf Hachaim 18:23 “One who does so is blessed”; See Bach that shaking only helps by Tefillin and not by Tzitzis]
[9] It is implied from Admur that it is even initially permitted to have another person place the Tallis back on. Vetzaruch Iyun why this does not transgress the prohibition against disturbing his prayer, and entering one’s four Amos. Even if one re-places the Tallis from behind he is still interrupting the persons prayer. Vetzaruch Iyun.
[10] Admur 8:29; Kneses Hagedola 8:10; Yad Aaaron
[11] See 66:11
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